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IPolicyFeature.ProcessListItem - Méthode

Retourne une valeur booléenne qui spécifie si Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 continue à traiter les éléments restants de la liste.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.InformationPolicy
Assembly :  Microsoft.Office.Policy (dans Microsoft.Office.Policy.dll)


Function ProcessListItem ( _
    site As SPSite, _
    policyItem As PolicyItem, _
    listItem As SPListItem _
) As Boolean
Dim instance As IPolicyFeature
Dim site As SPSite
Dim policyItem As PolicyItem
Dim listItem As SPListItem
Dim returnValue As Boolean

returnValue = instance.ProcessListItem(site, _
    policyItem, listItem)
bool ProcessListItem(
    SPSite site,
    PolicyItem policyItem,
    SPListItem listItem


Valeur renvoyée

Type : System.Boolean
Si une fonctionnalité de stratégie renvoie true, SharePoint Server 2010 continue de traiter les éléments restants de la liste. Si une fonctionnalité de stratégie renvoie false, SharePoint Server 2010 ne traite pas les éléments restants.


Lorsqu'une stratégie est modifiée, SharePoint Server 2010 appelle la méthode ProcessListItem pour chaque élément de liste qui est affecté par une modification de stratégie.

Les modifications de stratégie incluent la modification de la stratégie actuellement affecté à la liste ou de l'attribution d'une stratégie différente à la liste.

Si une fonctionnalité de stratégie renvoie false, SharePoint Server 2010 ne traite pas les éléments restants. Cette optimisation empêche l'itération au sein de tous les éléments d'une liste des fonctionnalités de stratégie qui ne sont pas impliqués dans le traitement de l'élément SharePoint Server 2010 .

Pour plus d'informations, consultez IPolicyFeature Interface Overview et Policy Feature Definitions.

L'exemple suivant montre comment implémenter l'interface IPolicyFeature . L'exemple montre comment obtenir des certificats des articles sur les événements appropriés et d'exposer des liens vers l'interface utilisateur pour la vérification de ces certificats.

Pour plus d'informations sur cet exemple, consultez le dossier d'exemples de code DocIntegrityPolicyFeature et le document EnterpriseContentManagementStarterKitSampleGuide dans les dossiers d'exemples de code ECM Starter Kit dans le SDK Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 télécharger.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.InformationPolicy;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using System.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

namespace Microsoft.Office.Samples.ECM.RecordsManagement
    // The Document Integrity policy feature: This class does 
    // the work of getting certificates for items 
    // at appropriate events, and exposes links 
    // to the user interface for verifying those certificates.
    public class DocumentIntegrityFeature : 
        #region Names of properties or fields created by this feature
        public static string sCertPropertyName = "IntegrityCertificate";
        public static string sCertValidateFieldName = "Integrity Certificate";

        #region Verify Certificate URL information
        public static string sVerifyPageUrl =
        public static string sWebUrlParamName = "WebUrl";
        public static string sListIDParamName = "List";
        public static string sItemParamName = "Item";

        // The getVerifyUrl helper method constructs the URL 
        // used to verify the certificate for a list item, which 
        // will be stored as a URL column on the list item.
        public static string getVerifyUrl(SPListItem i)
            StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
            s.Append(sWebUrlParamName + "=" + i.ParentList.ParentWeb.Url + "&");
            s.Append(sListIDParamName + "=" + i.ParentList.ID.ToString() + "&");
            s.Append(sItemParamName + "=" + i.ID.ToString());
            return s.ToString();

        // The OnCustomDataChange method is not used in this 
        // demonstration, but this method is used generally to update 
        // the policy feature state appropriately 
        // when the custom data for the policy feature changes. 
        // For example, if the policy feature provides a user interface 
        // or custom data for controlling when a policy item should get 
        // a certificate, the code to register or unregister
        // event receivers for those events 
        // would be included in this function. 
        public void OnCustomDataChange(PolicyItem policyItem, SPContentType ct)

        // The OnGlobalCustomDataChange method is also not used in this 
        // demonstration, but this method is generally used to update 
        // the policy feature state appropriately when the 
        // Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 
        // Central Administration settings for the policy feature 
        // change. For example, if the policy feature allows 
        // the central administrator to provide the key used 
        // to sign certificates, you can use this method to propagate 
        // that information into the appropriate locations 
        // or content types.
        public void OnGlobalCustomDataChange(PolicyFeature feature)
        // The ProcessListItem method is called by the policy 
        // framework on list items that were uploaded in a list before 
        // the policy is applied to the list; that is, the ones that 
        // might never be acted on by an event receiver.
        public bool ProcessListItem(SPSite site, PolicyItem policyItem, SPListItem listItem)
            // Check if the item already has
            // an integrity certificate. 
            string sCert = (string)listItem.Properties[sCertPropertyName];
            if ((sCert == null) || (sCert == ""))
                // If the call reaches here, then the item does not have 
                // a certificate yet, so create one for it. 
            return true;

        // The ProcessListItemOnRemove method is also not used in this 
        // demonstration. The policy framework calls this method 
        // for list items that are no longer subjected 
        // to the policy. So if there is any item-level 
        // unregistration work you need to do, this is the place 
        // to do it.
        public bool ProcessListItemOnRemove(SPSite site, SPListItem listItem)
            return true;

        // The Register method is called on a content type when your 
        // policy is added to that content type. It is where you 
        // register event receivers, add fields to the content type, or 
        // do any other work on a list or content type for 
        // your feature.
        public void Register(SPContentType ct)
            // Step 1: Add the "ItemAdded" and "ItemUpdated" 
            // event receivers to the content type.
            IntegrityCertificateEvents.AddEventReceiver(ct, IntegrityCertificateEvents.sEventHandlerName, "Microsoft.Office.Samples.ECM.RecordsManagement.IntegrityCertificateEvents", SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdded, 111);
            IntegrityCertificateEvents.AddEventReceiver(ct, IntegrityCertificateEvents.sEventHandlerName, "Microsoft.Office.Samples.ECM.RecordsManagement.IntegrityCertificateEvents", SPEventReceiverType.ItemUpdated, 111);

            // Step 2: Add the "Validate" link field to the 
            // content type. 
            // Get the appropriate field collection, depending on 
            // whether you are in a site or list content type. 
            SPFieldCollection fields = (ct.ParentList == null) ? ct.ParentWeb.Fields : ct.ParentList.Fields;
            SPField fldToAdd = null;
                // Check if the field already exists. 
                fldToAdd = fields[sCertValidateFieldName];
                // If the field doesn't exist, then create it, 
                // and prevent the user from editing it.
                string sInternalFldName = fields.Add(sCertValidateFieldName, SPFieldType.URL, false);
                fields[sCertValidateFieldName].ShowInEditForm = false;
                fields[sCertValidateFieldName].ShowInNewForm = false;
                fields[sCertValidateFieldName].ShowInDisplayForm = true;

                // Add to the content type.
                SPFieldLink verifyFld = new SPFieldLink(fields[sCertValidateFieldName]);

                // If it is a list content type, and the field is not
                // the default list view, then add it.
                if ((ct.ParentList != null) && ((ct.ParentList.DefaultView.ViewFields.Exists(sCertValidateFieldName) == false)))
                    SPView listView = ct.ParentList.DefaultView;
                } //if
            } //catch

            // Make sure the Web site is not automatically 
            // parsing files because this will invalidate certificates
            // quickly.

            SPWeb w = ct.ParentWeb;
            if (w.ParserEnabled == true)
                w.ParserEnabled = false;

        // The UnRegister method is called on a content type when 
        // your policy is removed from the content type. Here is where 
        // you should undo anything you did 
        // when you called the Register method
        // that should no longer be applied.
        public void UnRegister(SPContentType ct)
            // Remove the event receivers so that the existing 
            // certifcates can still be verified, but so that the new items
            // do not get certificates. 
            IntegrityCertificateEvents.RemoveEventReceiver(ct, IntegrityCertificateEvents.sEventHandlerName, SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdded);
            IntegrityCertificateEvents.RemoveEventReceiver(ct, IntegrityCertificateEvents.sEventHandlerName, SPEventReceiverType.ItemUpdated);

    public class IntegrityCertificateEvents : SPItemEventReceiver
        // The name of your event receiver. 
        // Find your event receiver in the set of 
        // event receivers registered for any event.
        public static string sEventHandlerName = "Integrity Certificate Policy Feature";

        public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
            SPListItem li = properties.ListItem;
            li[DocumentIntegrityFeature.sCertValidateFieldName] = DocumentIntegrityFeature.getVerifyUrl(li) + ", Verify...";

        public override void ItemUpdated(SPItemEventProperties properties)
            SPListItem li = properties.ListItem;
            // Check if the certificate has been generated 
            // by checking if the link has been created.
            if ((li[DocumentIntegrityFeature.sCertValidateFieldName] == null) || ( (string) li[DocumentIntegrityFeature.sCertValidateFieldName] == ""))
                // Set the link and certificate for the 
                // item.
                li[DocumentIntegrityFeature.sCertValidateFieldName] = DocumentIntegrityFeature.getVerifyUrl(li) + ", Verify...";
        #region Helper methods for adding event receivers
        internal static void AddEventReceiver(SPContentType ct, string name, string className, SPEventReceiverType type, int sequenceNumber)
           if (ct.ParentList != null)
               AddEventReceiver(ct.ParentList, name, className, type, sequenceNumber);
               System.Reflection.Assembly a = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
               SPEventReceiverDefinition sperd = ct.EventReceivers.Add();
               sperd.Name = name;
               sperd.Type = type;
               sperd.SequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;
               sperd.Assembly = a.FullName;
               sperd.Class = className;
           catch (System.ArgumentException)
               // This means the handler already exists.

        internal static void RemoveEventReceiver(SPContentType ct, string name, SPEventReceiverType type)
           if (ct.ParentList != null)
               RemoveEventReceiver(ct.ParentList, name, type);

           SPEventReceiverDefinitionCollection sperdcol = ct.EventReceivers;
           for (int i = 0; i < sperdcol.Count; ++i)
               SPEventReceiverDefinition sperd = sperdcol[i];
               if (sperd.Name == name && sperd.Type == type)
        internal static void AddEventReceiver(SPList list, string name, string className, SPEventReceiverType type, int sequenceNumber)
               System.Reflection.Assembly a = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
               SPEventReceiverDefinition sperd = list.EventReceivers.Add();
               sperd.Name = name;
               sperd.Type = type;
               sperd.SequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;
               sperd.Assembly = a.FullName;
               sperd.Class = className;
           catch (System.ArgumentException)
               // This means the handler already exists.
        internal static void RemoveEventReceiver(SPList list, string name, SPEventReceiverType type)
           SPEventReceiverDefinition sperd = null;
           SPEventReceiverDefinitionCollection sperdcol = list.EventReceivers;
           bool fFound = false;

           for (int i = 0; i < sperdcol.Count; ++i)
               sperd = sperdcol[i];
               if (sperd.Name == name && sperd.Type == type)
                   fFound = true;

           if (fFound)

        // Use the SetIntegrityCertificate method to obtain an 
        // integrity certificate for a list item (if it is a document), 
        // and store it as a property on the item.
        public static void SetIntegrityCertificate(SPListItem li)
                byte[] b = li.File.OpenBinary();
                IntegrityCertificate ic = new IntegrityCertificate(b);
                string sCert = ic.ToString();
                li.Properties.Add(DocumentIntegrityFeature.sCertPropertyName, sCert);
                // Does nothing because this is a demonstration. 

    // The IntegrityCertificate class generates and 
    // verifies the integrity of the certificates for those files. 
    public class IntegrityCertificate
        // The time this certificate was created.
        private DateTime dtGenerated;
        // The hash value of the item for which 
        // this certificate was created.
        private string sItemHash;

        #region Accessors
        // Public accessor for getting the date that the source event 
        // was generated.
                return dtGenerated;

        // Public accessor for getting the item's hash value.
        public string Hash
                return sItemHash;

        // Constructor 1: Takes a byte[], and creates 
        // a new certificate for that byte array. It is used to 
        // get a new certificate for a file, which will be stored 
        // as a serialized string. 
        public IntegrityCertificate(byte[] file)
            this.dtGenerated = DateTime.Now;
            this.sItemHash = ComputeHash(file);

        // Constructor 2: Takes a serialized certificate, and creates 
        // an instance of the class with the data in that certificate. 
        // It is used to verify that a certificate stored with a file 
        // still matches the file. 
        public IntegrityCertificate(string sCert)
            // Step 1: Construct the certificate object 
            // using the string.
            XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNode xn = xd.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/Certificate/Hash");
            sItemHash = xn.FirstChild.Value;

            xn = xd.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/Certificate/DateGenerated");
            dtGenerated = DateTime.Parse(xn.FirstChild.Value);

        // The Verify method returns true if the file passed in 
        // matches the hash value stored in the certificate.
        public bool Verify(byte[] file)
            string hash = ComputeHash(file);
            int nVerify = String.Compare(hash, this.sItemHash);

            if (nVerify == 0)
                return true;
                return false;


        // The ComputeHash private helper method is used to 
        // compute the hash value of a file.
        private string ComputeHash(byte[] file)
            SHA512Managed SHAHash = new SHA512Managed();
            byte[] bHashValue = SHAHash.ComputeHash(file);
              = new UnicodeEncoding();
            return new string(ByteConverter.GetChars(bHashValue));

        // The ToString method gets a string representation of the 
        // certificate, which can be persisted and later used 
        // to reconstruct the certificate.
        public override string ToString()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append("<Hash>" + this.sItemHash + "</Hash>");
            sb.Append("<DateGenerated>" + this.dtGenerated.ToString() + "</DateGenerated>");
            return sb.ToString();

Voir aussi


IPolicyFeature interface

IPolicyFeature - Membres

Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.InformationPolicy - Espace de noms