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Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices.Rules Namespace

The Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices.Rules namespace contains classes used when developing subscription management interfaces. The classes are used for creating and maintaining the Condition property when using condition actions in your subscription classes.


Class Description
AndCondition Defines a set of Condition objects to be logically evaluated using AND Boolean logic. This class cannot be inherited.
Argument Abstract base class for all scalar-valued expression classes in the Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices.Rules namespace.
BetweenLeafCondition Evaluates to true if the Test argument is between Min and Max inclusive. This class cannot be inherited.
BooleanLeafCondition Evaluates to true if the Boolean-valued Argument has a value of true; otherwise, it evaluates to false. This class cannot be inherited.
Condition Abstract base class for Boolean-valued expression classes in the Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices.Rules namespace.
ConditionTree Abstract base class that derives from Condition and serves as a base class for the multi-argument (n-ary) Boolean expression classes, AndCondition and OrCondition. This class cannot be inherited.
ConstantValue Represents an Argument with a pre-determined value. This class cannot be inherited.
ExpressionValue Represents an Argument whose value is determined by evaluating a simple arithmetic expression. This class cannot be inherited.
FieldValue Represents an Argument that obtains its value from an input field.
FilterRule Defines a filter over an input table or view based on the results of condition evaluation. This class cannot be inherited.
FilterStatement Describes a logic statement in the form "IF <Condition> THEN <Action>". This class cannot be inherited.
FunctionValue Represents an Argument object that obtains its value from a Transact-SQL user-defined function.
InputType Abstract base class for input tables and views used in logical expressions. This class cannot be inherited.
IsNullLeafCondition Evaluates to true if its Argument is NULL. This class cannot be inherited.
JoinClause Represents a join between columns of two tables or views.
LeafCondition Abstract base class that describes a basic unit of Boolean evaluation. This class cannot be inherited.
LinkLeafCondition Evaluates operations against the results of a related FilterRule object. This class cannot be inherited.
LogicStatement Abstract base class for "IF <Condition> THEN <Result or Action>" statements within RuleLogic instances. This class cannot be inherited.
NotCondition Negates the result of another Condition object. This class cannot be inherited.
OrCondition Defines a set of Condition objects to be logically evaluated using OR Boolean logic. This class cannot be inherited.
PropertyRule Defines logic that evaluates to a scalar value for any row in an input table or view. This class cannot be inherited.
PropertyStatement Describes a logic statement in the form "IF <Condition> THEN <Result>," where the result is a scalar value. This class cannot be inherited.
RuleLogic Abstract base class for logical expression classes in the Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices.Rules namespace. This class cannot be inherited.
RuleObject Abstract base class for all logic graph node classes in the Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices.Rules namespace.
RulesException Represents the exception that is thrown by components in the Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices.Rules namespace. This class cannot be inherited.
RuleValue Represents an Argument that obtains its value from the evaluation of other RuleLogic instances.
SimpleLeafCondition Compares two Argument objects using relational operators and returns a Boolean result. This class cannot be inherited.
StoredRuleObject Abstract base class for all rule objects that can be serialized to or deserialized from an XML representation. This class cannot be inherited.
TableInputType Describes a Table object that can be used as an input to a RuleLogic instance.
ViewInputType Describes a View object that can be used as an input to a RuleObject instance. This class cannot be inherited.


Enumeration Description
ExpressionOperator Operators supported for ExpressionValue.
FilterAction Actions supported for FilterStatement.
LinkLeafOperator Operators supported for LinkLeafCondition.
SimpleOperator Operators supported for SimpleLeafCondition.