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Requirements for Deploying Replication ActiveX Controls

When deploying the Microsoft ActiveX replication controls independently of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, you must include additional files in the installation kit that you use to distribute your application. If you deploy your application using these ActiveX replication controls on a computer where Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition or SQL Server 2005 client software is also installed, these files will already be present.

ms147870.note(fr-fr,SQL.90).gifImportant :
This topic describes how to deploy native code applications that use the replication ActiveX controls to access SQL Server 2005 functionalities. To obtain all of the benefits provided by the Microsoft .NET Framework, you should consider updating native code applications to managed code using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. From managed code applications, you can access the same replication ActiveX functionality using classes in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication namespace. For more information, see Procédure : synchroniser un abonnement par extraction de données (pull) (Programmation RMO) and Procédure : pour synchroniser un abonnement d'envoi de données (programmation RMO).

If you use Microsoft Visual Studio and the Deployment Wizard to prepare your installation kit, the wizard will recognize that the files from the Referenced Libraries column in the following table are needed, and will include them in the installation kit. The wizard will also indicate that dependency information for these files is not available. Include the files from the Dependent Libraries column of the table in your installation kit (click the Add button on the Included Files page of the wizard). The paths shown in this table assume SQL Server 2005 was installed to the default location.

Replication Control Referenced Libraries Dependent Libraries

Microsoft SQL Distribution Control 9.0



  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\COM\Rdistcom.dll
  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\MSSQL.1\Binn\Sqlrepss.dll
  • $(WinSysPath)\Sqlwoa.dll

Microsoft SQL Merge Control 9.0



  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\COM\Replprov.dll
  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\COM\Replrec.dll
  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\COM\sqlresld90.dll
  • $(WinSysPath)\Sqlwoa.dll

Voir aussi


Replication ActiveX Control Reference

Aide et Informations

Assistance sur SQL Server 2005