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MonthsOfYearSelector Members

Represents the months of the year in which a scheduled report runs.

The following tables list the members exposed by the MonthsOfYearSelector type.

Public Constructors

  Nom Description
MonthsOfYearSelector Initializes a new instance of the MonthsOfYearSelector class.

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Public Properties

  Nom Description
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif April Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in April.
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif August Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in August.
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif December Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in December.
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif February Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in February.
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif January Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in January.
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif July Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in July.
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif June Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in June.
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif March Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in March.
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif May Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in May.
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif November Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in November.
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif October Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in October.
ms165913.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif September Indicates whether a scheduled report runs in September.

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Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Nom Description
ms165913.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
ms165913.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
ms165913.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif GetType  (inherited from Object )
ms165913.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gifms165913.static(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
ms165913.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif ToString  (inherited from Object )

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Protected Methods

  Nom Description
ms165913.protmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Finalize  (inherited from Object )
ms165913.protmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )

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Voir aussi


MonthsOfYearSelector Class
Microsoft.WSSUX.ReportingServicesWebService.RSManagementService2005 Namespace