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MeasureBinding Members

The following tables list the members exposed by the MeasureBinding type.

Public Constructors

  Nom Description
MeasureBinding Overloaded.  

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Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties )

  Nom Description
ms166232.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Container  (inherited from Component )
ms166232.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif MeasureID  
ms166232.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Parent  Gets the parent object of the current object. (inherited from Binding)
ms166232.pubproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Site  (inherited from Component )

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Protected Properties

  Nom Description
ms166232.protproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif CanRaiseEvents  (inherited from Component )
ms166232.protproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif DesignMode  (inherited from Component )
ms166232.protproperty(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Events  (inherited from Component )

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Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Nom Description
ms166232.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Clone Overridden.  
ms166232.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif CreateObjRef  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject )
ms166232.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Dispose  Overloaded. (inherited from Component )
ms166232.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
ms166232.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
ms166232.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif GetLifetimeService  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject )
ms166232.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif GetType  (inherited from Object )
ms166232.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif InitializeLifetimeService  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject )
ms166232.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gifms166232.static(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
ms166232.pubmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif ToString Overridden.  

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Protected Methods

  Nom Description
ms166232.protmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif CopyTo  (inherited from Binding )
ms166232.protmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Dispose  Overloaded. (inherited from Component )
ms166232.protmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Finalize  (inherited from Component )
ms166232.protmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif GetService  (inherited from Component )
ms166232.protmethod(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif MemberwiseClone  Overloaded. (inherited from MarshalByRefObject )

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Public Events

  Nom Description
ms166232.pubevent(fr-fr,SQL.90).gif Disposed  (inherited from Component )

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Explicit Interface Implementations

  Nom Description
System.ICloneable.Clone  (inherited from Binding )

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Voir aussi


MeasureBinding Class
Microsoft.AnalysisServices Namespace