Partager via

Propriété Location

Location of the pin, relative to the start or end of the scale. Degrees for radial scales, percentage for linear scales.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.ReportingServices.RdlObjectModel
Assembly :  Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer.Controls (en Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer.Controls.dll)


Public Property Location As ReportExpression(Of Double)
Dim instance As ScalePin
Dim value As ReportExpression(Of Double)

value = instance.Location

instance.Location = value
public ReportExpression<double> Location { get; set; }
property ReportExpression<double> Location {
    ReportExpression<double> get ();
    void set (ReportExpression<double> value);
member Location : ReportExpression<float> with get, set
function get Location () : ReportExpression<double>
function set Location (value : ReportExpression<double>)