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MergeDynamicSnapshotJob Object

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The MergeDynamicSnapshotJob object represents a dynamic snapshot job that is part of a merge publication.

Modèle objet SQL-DMO qui affiche l'objet en cours


With the MergeDynamicSnapshotJob object, you can:

  • Add a dynamic snapshot job to a merge publication.

  • Set the properties of a dynamic snapshot job prior to its creation.

  • Remove a dynamic snapshot job from a merge publication.

To add a dynamic snapshot job to a merge publication

  1. Create a new MergeDynamicSnapshotJob object.

  2. Optionally set the Name property, specifying a name that is unique among all job names at the Distributor.

  3. Set the DynamicFilterHostName property to the name of a Subscriber.

  4. Set the DynamicFilterLogin property to the login ID of a Subscriber.

  5. Set the DynamicSnapshotLocation property to the path where the dynamic snapshot files are generated.

  6. Add the MergeDynamicSnapshotJob object to the MergeDynamicSnapshotJobs collection of a connected MergePublication object.


    If the Name property is not set, a default name is generated in the form of dyn_ + (job name of the regular snapshot job of the publication) + string GUID.

To remove a dynamic snapshot job from a merge publication

  1. Get a MergeDynamicSnapshotJob object from the MergeDynamicSnapshotJobs collection of a connected MergePublication object.

  2. Use the Remove method to remove the dynamic snapshot job.


    The MergeDynamicSnapshotJob object is only compatible with instances of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and later.