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Méthode EnumObjectPermissions

Énumère les autorisations pour les objets dans la base de données.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly :  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (en Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public Function EnumObjectPermissions As ObjectPermissionInfo()
Dim instance As Database
Dim returnValue As ObjectPermissionInfo()

returnValue = instance.EnumObjectPermissions()
public ObjectPermissionInfo[] EnumObjectPermissions()
array<ObjectPermissionInfo^>^ EnumObjectPermissions()
member EnumObjectPermissions : unit -> ObjectPermissionInfo[] 
public function EnumObjectPermissions() : ObjectPermissionInfo[]

Valeur de retour

Type : array<Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo. . :: . .ObjectPermissionInfo> [] () [] []
Tableau d'objets ObjectPermissionInfo qui contient une liste d'autorisations relatives aux objets pour la base de données.


The example shows the EnumServerPermissions method, which is used like the EnumObjectPermissions method.


'Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Dim svr As Server
svr = New Server()
'Define a ServerPermissionSet that contains permission to Create Endpoint and Alter Any Endpoint.
Dim sps As ServerPermissionSet
sps = New ServerPermissionSet(ServerPermission.CreateEndpoint)
'This sample assumes that the grantee already has permission to Create Endpoints. 
'Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable.
Dim spis As ServerPermissionInfo()
spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee, sps)
Dim spi As ServerPermissionInfo
Console.WriteLine("=================Before revoke===========================")
For Each spi In spis
    Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee & " has " & spi.PermissionType.ToString & " permission.")
Console.WriteLine(" ")
'Remove a permission from the set.
'Revoke the create endpoint permission from the grantee.
svr.Revoke(sps, vGrantee)
'Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable.
spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee, sps)
Console.WriteLine("=================After revoke============================")
For Each spi In spis
    Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee & " has " & spi.PermissionType.ToString & " permission.")
Console.WriteLine(" ")
'Grant the Create Endpoint permission to the grantee.
svr.Grant(sps, vGrantee)
'Enumerate and display the server permissions in the set for the grantee specified in the vGrantee string variable.
spis = svr.EnumServerPermissions(vGrantee, sps)
Console.WriteLine("=================After grant=============================")
For Each spi In spis
    Console.WriteLine(spi.Grantee & " has " & spi.PermissionType.ToString & " permission.")


$srv = new-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server("(local)")
$arg = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ServerPermission]::CreateEndpoint

$sps = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ServerPermissionSet([Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ServerPermission]::CreateEndpoint)
$spis = $srv.EnumServerPermissions("vGrantee", $sps)
Write-Host "=================Before revoke==========================="
Foreach ($spi In $spis)
   Write-Host $spi.Grantee "has" $spi.PermissionType " permission."
Write-Host " "