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Espace de noms Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent namespace contains classes that represent the SQL Server Agent.

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent namespace represents the SQL Server Agent. After a connection to an instance of SQL Server has been established by using the Server object variable, you can use the objects in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent namespace to manage the SQL Server Agent.

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent namespace resides in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll assembly file. Also, some of the enumeration classes are in the Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll and Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum.dll assembly files. You will have to import all three files to access the classes in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent namespace.

By using the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent namespace, you can do the following:

  • View and modify SQL Server Agent settings.

  • Set up and manage operators.

  • Set up and manage alerts based on system messages or performance conditions.

  • Set up and manage jobs with multiple steps and schedules.

  • Manage proxy accounts for the subsystems on which jobs run.

  • Manage jobs that run on multiple servers.


  Classe Description
Classe publique AgentObjectBase Ne référencez pas directement ce membre dans votre code. Il prend en charge l'infrastructure SQL Server. The AgentObjectBase class is a base class that is inherited by all the SQL Server Agent classes and contains common members.
Classe publique Alert The Alert class represents a Microsoft SQL Server Agent alert.
Classe publique AlertCategory The AlertCategory class contains attributes that allow alerts to be categorized.
Classe publique AlertCategoryCollection The AlertCategoryCollection class represents a collection of AlertCategory objects that represent all the categories defined on the parent object.
Classe publique AlertCollection The AlertCollection class represents a collection of Alert objects that represent all the alerts defined on the parent object.
Classe publique AlertSystem The AlertSystem class contains system information pertaining to all alerts defined on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Classe publique CategoryBase Ne référencez pas directement ce membre dans votre code. Il prend en charge l'infrastructure SQL Server. The CategoryBase class is a base class that is used in the construction of the JobCategory class, the OperatorCategory class, and the AlertCategory class. It contains functionality that is common to all three category classes.
Classe publique Job The Job class represents a Microsoft SQL Server Agent job.
Classe publique JobCategory The JobCategory class contains attributes that allow alerts to be categorized.
Classe publique JobCategoryCollection La classe JobCategoryCollection représente une collection d'objets JobCategory qui représentent toutes les catégories définies sur l'objet parent.
Classe publique JobCollection The JobCollection class represents a collection of Job objects that represent all the jobs defined on the JobServer object.
Classe publique JobFilter The JobFilter object is used to store information about the constraints applied to the EnumJobs method of the JobServer object.
Classe publique JobHistoryFilter The JobHistoryFilter object is used to store information about the constraints applied to the EnumJobHistory method of the JobServer object.
Classe publique JobSchedule The JobSchedule class represents a SQL Server Agent job schedule.
Classe publique JobScheduleCollection The JobScheduleCollection class represents a collection of JobSchedule objects that represent all the job schedules defined on the parent object.
Classe publique JobServer The JobServer object represents the SQL Server Agent subsystem and the msdb database.
Classe publique JobStep The JobStep class represents a Microsoft SQL Server job step.
Classe publique JobStepCollection The JobStepCollection class represents a collection of JobStep objects that represent all the job steps defined on the parent Job object.
Classe publique Operator The Operator class represents a SQL Server Agent operator.
Classe publique OperatorCategory The OperatorCategory class contains attributes that allow operators to be categorized.
Classe publique OperatorCategoryCollection The OperatorCategoryCollection class represents a collection of OperatorCategory objects that represent all the categories defined on the parent object.
Classe publique OperatorCollection The OperatorCollection class represents a collection of Operator objects that represent all the operators defined on the JobServer object.
Classe publique ProxyAccount The ProxyAccount class represents a SQL Server Agent proxy account.
Classe publique ProxyAccountCollection The ProxyAccountCollection class represents a collection of ProxyAccount objects that represent all the proxy accounts defined on SQL Server Agent.
Classe publique ScheduleBase Ne référencez pas directement ce membre dans votre code. Il prend en charge l'infrastructure SQL Server. The ScheduleBase class is a base class that is inherited by the JobSchedule class.
Classe publique TargetServer The TargetServer object represents a target server defined for multiserver administration on SQL Server Agent.
Classe publique TargetServerCollection The TargetServerCollection class represents a collection of TargetServer objects that represent all the target servers defined on SQL Server Agent.
Classe publique TargetServerGroup The TargetServerGroup object that represent a target server group defined for multi-server administration on SQL Server Agent.
Classe publique TargetServerGroupCollection La classe TargetServerGroupCollection représente une collection d'objets TargetServerGroup qui représentent tous les groupes de serveurs cibles définis sur l'Agent SQL Server.


  Énumération Description
Énumération publique ActivationOrder L'énumération ActivationOrder contient les valeurs utilisées pour spécifier le moment d'exécution du déclencheur par rapport aux autres déclencheurs attachés à une opération donnée d'insertion, de mise à jour ou de suppression.
Énumération publique AgentLogLevels The AgentLogLevels enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of errors or messages that are logged by SQL Server. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Énumération publique AgentMailType The AgentMailType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the source of mail.
Énumération publique AgentSubSystem The AgentSubSystem enumeration contains values that are used to specify the Microsoft SQL Server subsystems that can be used by job steps.
Énumération publique AlertType The AlertType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of event or performance condition that causes alerts to be raised.
Énumération publique CategoryType The CategoryType enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the type of category, such as whether the category refers to local jobs or multiserver administration.
Énumération publique CompletionAction The CompletionAction enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the circumstances when a job completes after which another action is executed.
Énumération publique CompletionResult The CompletionResult enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the status on completion of a job or job step.
Énumération publique FindOperand L'énumération FindOperand représente une liste des opérandes utilisés pour évaluer les propriétés DateJobCreated et DateJobLastModified afin de spécifier une plage de dates dans un filtre de travail.
Énumération publique FrequencyRelativeIntervals The FrequencyRelativeIntervals enumeration contains values that are used to specify the ordinal position of a recurring occurrence within a specified period.
Énumération publique FrequencySubDayTypes L'énumération FrequencySubDayTypes contient des valeurs utilisées pour spécifier la manière dont la planification est gérée sur une période d'un jour.
Énumération publique FrequencyTypes The FrequencyTypes enumeration contains values that are used to specify how often a schedule is executed.
Énumération publique JobExecutionStatus The JobExecutionStatus enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the execution status of a job or job step.
Énumération publique JobOutcome The JobOutcome enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the outcome after running a job.
Énumération publique JobServerType The JobServerType enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the type of server with regard to multiserver or stand-alone administration.
Énumération publique JobStepFlags L'énumération JobStepFlags est une liste de valeurs constantes qui spécifient le fichier auquel ajouter les informations d'historique des travaux.
Énumération publique JobType The JobType enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the location where the job is run (locally or on multiple servers).
Énumération publique MonthlyRelativeWeekDays L'énumération MonthlyRelativeWeekDays contient des valeurs qui spécifient les jours de la semaine, les jours ouvrables, les week-ends ou tous les jours.
Énumération publique NotifyMethods The NotifyMethods enumeration contains values that specify the method used to notify operators in an alert or a job. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Énumération publique NotifyType The NotifyType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the notification type that restricts the output of the Alert object's EnumNotifications method.
Énumération publique OSRunPriority The OSRunPriority enumeration contains constant values that specify the levels of priority given to running the operating system.
Énumération publique StepCompletionAction The StepCompletionAction enumeration contains values that specify the action taken on completion of a job step.
Énumération publique TargetServerStatus The TargetServerStatus enumeration contains values that specify the status of a target server. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Énumération publique WeekDays The WeekDays enumeration contains constant values that specify the days of the week.