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Méthode Deny

Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantees on the login account.

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Liste de surcharge

  Nom Description
Méthode publique Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, String) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantee on the login account.
Méthode publique Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String> [] () [] []) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantees on the logon.
Méthode publique Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantee and other users that the grantee granted the specified set of permissions on the logon.
Méthode publique Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String> [] () [] [], Boolean) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantees and other users that the grantee granted the specified set of permissions on the logon.

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