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Membres IDTSOutputColumnCollection100

Contains a collection of IDTSOutputColumn100 columns.

Le type IDTSOutputColumnCollection100 expose les membres suivants.


  Nom Description
Méthode publique FindObjectByID Locates the requested object in a collection by its ID.
Méthode publique FindObjectIndexByID Locates the index of the requested object in the collection by its ID.
Méthode publique GetEnumerator (Hérité de IEnumerable.)
Méthode publique GetEnumerator() () () () Returns an enumerator that can iterate through an output column collection.
Méthode publique GetObjectByID Retrieves the output column object that has the specified ID from a collection.
Méthode publique GetObjectIndexByID Retrieves the location of an output column in a collection.
Méthode publique GetOutputColumnByLineageID Retrieves an output column object with the specified lineage ID from a collection.
Méthode publique New Creates an output column object and adds it to a collection.
Méthode publique NewAt Creates a new output column object and adds it to a collection at the specified index.
Méthode publique RemoveAll Deletes all the output column objects from a collection.
Méthode publique RemoveObjectByID Deletes the output column object with the specified ID from a collection.
Méthode publique RemoveObjectByIndex Removes the IDTSOutputColumn100 object at the specified location in a collection.
Méthode publique SetIndex Moves an output column to a new location in a collection.

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  Nom Description
Propriété publique Count Gets the number of IDTSOutput100 columns in the collection.
Propriété publique Item Gets the IDTSOutputColumn100 specified by the Index parameter.

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