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Espace de noms Microsoft.SqlServer.Types

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Types namespace contains classes used when working with the HierarchyID data type and the spatial data types, such as the geometry and geographic data types.


  Classe Description
Classe publique GeographyCollectionAggregate Infrastructure. Represents a geography collection from the given set of SqlGeography objects.
Classe publique GeographyConvexHullAggregate Infrastructure. Represents the convex hull for the given set of SqlGeography objects.
Classe publique GeographyEnvelopeAggregate Infrastructure. Represents a geography envelope from the given set of SqlGeography objects.
Classe publique GeographyTessellationFunction Infrastructure. Represents the geography tessellation functions.
Classe publique GeographyUnionAggregate Infrastructure. Represents a union of a set of SqlGeography objects.
Classe publique GeometryCollectionAggregate Infrastructure. Represents a geometry collection from the given set of SqlGeometry objects.
Classe publique GeometryConvexHullAggregate Infrastructure. Represents the convex hull for the given set of SqlGeometry objects.
Classe publique GeometryEnvelopeAggregate Infrastructure. Represents a geometry envelope based on the given set of SqlGeometry objects.
Classe publique GeometryTessellationFunction Infrastructure. Provides static methods for creating a geometry tessellation.
Classe publique GeometryUnionAggregate Infrastructure. Represents a union from a set of SqlGeometry objects.
Classe publique HierarchyIdException The exception that is thrown for invalid SqlHierarchyId values.
Classe publique SpaceFillingCurve Infrastructure. Provides methods for calculating a space-filling curve.
Classe publique SpatialGridCoverage Infrastructure. Provides methods for obtaining a spatial grid coverage.
Classe publique SpatialTessellationFunction Infrastructure. Provides static methods for creating a spatial tessellation.
Classe publique SqlGeography The SqlGeography type represents data in a geodetic (round earth) coordinate system.
Classe publique SqlGeographyBuilder Constructs instances of SqlGeography objects by using IGeographySink interface.
Classe publique SqlGeometry The SqlGeometry type represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system.
Classe publique SqlGeometryBuilder Constructs instances of SqlGeometry objects by using IGeometrySink interface.


  Structure Description
Structure publique SqlHierarchyId The SqlHierarchyId type represents a position in a hierarchical structure, specifying depth and breadth.


  Interface Description
Interface publique IGeographySink Obsolète. Interface used by SqlGeographyBuilder to construct a SqlGeography object. This API is obsolete. IGeographySink110 should be used instead.
Interface publique IGeographySink110 Defines the interface used by SqlGeographyBuilder to construct a SqlGeography object.
Interface publique IGeometrySink Obsolète. Defines the interface that the SqlGeometryBuilder class uses to construct a SqlGeometryBuilder object. This API is obsolete. IGeometrySink110 should be used instead.
Interface publique IGeometrySink110 Defines the interface used by SqlGeometryBuilder to construct a SqlGeometry object.
Interface publique ISqlSpatialGridIndexable Infrastructure. Defines the interface that is implemented by SqlGeography and SqlGeometry type objects to support spatial indexing.


  Énumération Description
Énumération publique OpenGisGeographyType Lists supported and extended Open GIS geography types.
Énumération publique OpenGisGeometryType Lists Open GIS geometry types.