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Méthode MajorObject.Refresh (Boolean, RefreshType)

Updates current object from server definitions and loaded dependent objects if specified.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Assembly :  Microsoft.AnalysisServices (en Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll)


Public Sub Refresh ( _
    full As Boolean, _
    type As RefreshType _
Dim instance As MajorObject 
Dim full As Boolean 
Dim type As RefreshType

instance.Refresh(full, type)
public void Refresh(
    bool full,
    RefreshType type
virtual void Refresh(
    bool full, 
    RefreshType type
) sealed
abstract Refresh : 
        full:bool * 
        type:RefreshType -> unit  
override Refresh : 
        full:bool * 
        type:RefreshType -> unit
public final function Refresh(
    full : boolean, 
    type : RefreshType


  • full
    Type : System.Boolean
    Specifies a Boolean value to refresh dependent objects if true.


If current object on the server has changed, the new definition will be instantiated. If specified, the loaded dependent objects will be changed to the new definition.

Voir aussi


MajorObject Classe

Surcharge Refresh

Espace de noms Microsoft.AnalysisServices