Partager via

Package.Deserialize Method (String)


Deserializes a package from the file system.

Namespace:   Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment
Assembly:  Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment (in Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment.dll)


public static Package Deserialize(
    string packageFileName
static Package^ Deserialize(
    String^ packageFileName
static member Deserialize : 
        packageFileName:string -> Package
Public Shared Function Deserialize (
    packageFileName As String
) As Package


  • packageFileName
    Type: System.String

    The package full path and file name.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment.Package

The deserialized package.


Deserialize throws ArgumentNullException if packageFileName is null.

Deserialize throws DeploymentException if deserialization of the package fails due to invalid package format, or if the file specified by packageFileName is not found, or if validation of the package fails.

See Also

Deserialize Overload
Package Class
Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment Namespace

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