Partager via

SmsQueryException.Status Enumeration

Defines status values for SmsQueryException.

Namespace: Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider
Assembly: Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider (in microsoft.configurationmanagement.managementprovider.dll)


Dim instance As Status


Public Enumeration Status
public enum Status
public enum class Status
public enum Status
public enum Status


Member name Description
AccessDenied Permissions have not been granted to perform the requested action.
AggregatingByObject A GROUP BY clause incorrectly references a property that represents an embedded object.
AlreadyExists A put operation specifies a flag for an instance that already exists.
AmendedObject A put operation uses an amended object without the correct qualifiers.
BackupRestoreWinmgmtRunning A request was made to back up or restore the database while WinMgmt.exe was using it.
BufferTooSmall The supplied buffer is too small to hold all the objects in the enumerator or to read a string property.
CallCanceled An asynchronous process was canceled internally or by the user.
CannotBeAbstract The class was made abstract without having an abstract super class.
CannotBeKey An illegal key qualifier specification was attempted on a property that cannot be a key.
CannotBeSingleton An illegal class singleton specification was attempted.
CannotChangeIndexInheritance An illegal index change was attempted when instances or derived classes were using the index.
CannotChangeKeyInheritance An illegal key change was attempted when instances or derived classes were using the key.
CircularReference An illegal creation of a circular reference was attempted.
ClassHasChildren An illegal class change was attempted that might have invalidated a derived class.
ClassHasInstances A deletion or change was attempted for a class that has instances.
ClientTooSlow The client was retrieving objects too slowly.
CriticalError An internal, critical, and unexpected error occurred. Report this error to Microsoft Customer Support Services.
Different Compared items are not identical.
DuplicateObjects More than one copy of the same object was detected in the result set.
Failed The call failed.
False No more objects are available.
IllegalNull A null value was specified for a property that cannot be null, for example, a property having a Not_Null qualifier.
IllegalOperation The query requested an illegal operation, for example, using an instance to spawn a class.
IncompleteClass The current object is not a valid class instance because it is incomplete, or because it has not been registered in a put operation.
InitializationFailure The management provider failed to initialize for internal reasons.
InvalidCimType The specified CIM type is not valid.
InvalidClass The specified class is not valid.
InvalidContext The specified context object is not valid.
InvalidDuplicateParameter A duplicate parameter was declared in a CIM method.
InvalidFlavor The specified flavor is not valid.
InvalidMethod An invalid method was called.
InvalidMethodParameters Invalid method parameters were used.
InvalidNamespace The specified namespace could not be found.
InvalidObject The specified instance is not valid.
InvalidObjectPath The specified object path is not valid.
InvalidOperation The specified operation is not valid.
InvalidOperator The specified operator is not valid for the property type.
InvalidParameter A parameter specified in a method call is not correct.
InvalidParameterId A parameter has an invalid identifier.
InvalidProperty The specified property type is not valid.
InvalidPropertyType The CIM type specified for a property is not valid.
InvalidProviderRegistration The referenced provider has an invalid registration.
InvalidQualifier Mismatched qualifiers were used, for example, a key qualifier was used on an object instead of a property.
InvalidQualifierType A qualifier value is not of a valid type.
InvalidQuery The query syntax is not correct.
InvalidQueryType The specified query language is not supported.
InvalidStream One or more network packets were corrupted.
InvalidSuperclass The specified super class is not valid.
InvalidSyntax An invalid syntax was used.
LocalCredentials Local credentials were used when the user should have used default security.
MarshalInvalidSignature A network packet is corrupted by an invalid signature.
MarshalVersionMismatch A network packet has an unsupported version.
MethodDisabled An attempt was made to run a method that is specified as disabled.
MethodNotImplemented An attempt was made to run a method that is not specified as implemented in the relevant class.
MissingAggregationList A GROUP BY clause was used for properties not supporting aggregation.
MissingGroupWithin A GROUP BY clause was used without the corresponding GROUP WITHIN clause.
MissingParameterId A method call was missing a parameter.
NoError The query was successful.
NoMoreData No more data is available and the query should terminate.
NonconsecutiveParameterIds One or more method parameters had identifiers that were out of sequence.
NondecoratedObject The operation used a nondecorated object that does not convert.
NotAvailable The server is not currently available.
NotEventClass The FROM clause references a class that is not an event class.
NotFound The object could not be found.
NotSupported The feature or operation is not supported.
OperationCanceled The operation was canceled.
OutOfDiskSpace The operation could not continue because of insufficient disk space.
OutOfMemory There was not enough memory to perform the operation.
OverrideNotAllowed An operation cannot be performed because the owning object does not permit overrides.
ParameterIdOnRetval A method return value has an illegal identifier qualifier.
PartialResults All requested objects could not be retrieved because resources (other than security violations) were not available.
Pending An operation is in progress and results are not yet available.
PrivilegeNotHeld The operation could not complete because the user did not have the required security privilege.
PropagatedMethod The operation attempted to reuse an existing super class method name, and the signatures did not match.
PropagatedProperty A deletion was attempted for an inherited property that was not owned.
PropagatedQualifier A deletion was attempted for an inherited qualifier that was not owned.  
PropertyNotAnObject A property was illegally represented as an embedded object.
ProviderFailure The provider failed after initialization.
ProviderLoadFailure The referenced provider fails on loading.
ProviderNotCapable The provider is not able to perform the requested operation, for example, if the query is too complex.
ProviderNotFound The referenced provider is not registered.
QueryNotImplemented The query is not implemented.
QueueOverflow The asynchronous delivery queue overflowed.
ReadOnly An attempt was made to modify a read-only property.
RefresherBusy The operation cannot complete because the refresher is busy.
RegistrationTooBroad The provider registration overlaps with the system event domain.
RegistrationTooPrecise The provider registration was too precise since the query did not use a WITHIN clause.
ResetToDefault An overridden property was deleted, restoring the original value.
ServerTooBusy The server is too busy to handle the delivery of an event raised by the provider.
ShuttingDown The operation cannot complete because the server is shutting down.
SystemProperty An attempt was made to retrieve qualifiers on a system property.
Timedout A method call timed out. Some results might be retrieved in this case.
TooManyProperties The operation attempted to create more properties than the class supports.
TooMuchData An attempt was made to retrieve too much data.
TransportFailure Normal operation was suspended because of a network error.
TypeMismatch The operation produced a type mismatch.
Unexpected An illegal sequence of calls was made by the client.
UninterpretableProviderQuery Provider registration did not specify the classes providing events.
UnknownObjectType The marshaling operation encountered an object with an incorrect type or version.
UnknownPacketType The marshaling operation encountered a packet with an incorrect type or version.
UnparsableQuery The query did not have a valid syntax.
UnsupportedClassUpdate A specified class is not supported.
UnsupportedParameter A specified parameter was too complex or is not supported.
UnsupportedPutExtension The provider cannot support the specified put operation.
UpdateOverrideNotAllowed A derived class attempted to override a qualifier that cannot be overridden.
UpdatePropagatedMethod A derived class redeclared a method with a signature conflict.
UpdateTypeMismatch A derived class redefined a property with a type conflict.
ValueOutOfRange A request used an out-of-range value, or a value that did not match the data type.


Development Platforms

Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista

Target Platforms

Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista

See Also


Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider Namespace
SmsQueryException Class