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May • June 2006

Security:Deconstructing Common Security Myths

Jesper Johansson and Steve Riley

Security:First Look: New Security Features in Windows Vista

Chris Corio

Security:Behind The Scenes: How Microsoft Built a Unified Approach to Windows Security

Robert Hensing

Sécurité:19 Astuces pour sécuriser Active Directory

Active Directory vous empêche-t-il de dormir ? On comprend facilement pourquoi. C'est probablement le plus grand système distribué et le plus essentiel de votre entreprise. Outre Sean Deuby

Security:Reduce Your Risk: 10 Security Rules To Live By

Wes Miller

Security:Group Policy: Ins And Outs Of Delegation And Control

Jeremy Moskowitz

Desktop Deployment:Techniques for Simplifying Desktop Image Creation

Shelly Bird

Windows Server 2003 R2:Get Control of File System Resources with Windows Server 2003 R2

John Savill

Windows Server 2003 R2:Récupérez votre bande passante grâce aux nouvelles fonctionnalités de réplication dans Windows Server 2003 R2

Alan von Weltin

Windows Server 2003 R2:Give Your Server An Identity: New Roles In Windows Server 2003 R2

Derek Melber



From the Editor:The premiere issue of TechNet Magazine,

The premiere issue of TechNet Magazine, published almost two years ago, featured a security theme. Since then, security has been the topic of many of our most popular articles. And with good reason—as the number of potential threats increase, systems have also become more complex with more entry points per system, and the number of users connected in an enterprise is also growing.Joshua Trupin

ToolBox:New Products for IT Professionals

Cobian BackupGreg Steen

Utility Spotlight:Automate Device Driver Integration

When you’re deploying thousands of Windows-based computers, configuring a single system and duplicating its hard drive (or system image) onto other corporate computers can save you a lot of time and free up IT resources.Michael Murgolo

SQL Questions & Answers:Server Tuning, Log Shipping, Mirroring, and More

Your queries answered by Microsoft IT professionals.Nancy Michell

How It Works:Encrypting File System

Mobile users can be a pain in the neck for the IT pro. The convenience and portability of laptops must be weighed against the potential for data loss and the possible compromise of confidential company information.Randy Muller

BetaBox:First Look at Exchange 12

In much of corporate America, e-mail is now the most important means of communication. But each corporate citizen views e-mail differently. Workers want access to corporate e-mail at home and on the go.Laura Euler

Hé, vous le Scripteur !:À l'aide ! Des descripteurs de Sécurité SVP !

Parfois, les choses sont beaucoup plus compliquées qu'elles ne devraient l'être. Prenez par exemple une simple petite tâche, telle que décider quelle glace commander. Au tout début, du temps où les scripteurs étaient jeunes, c'était facile, vous aviez le choix entre vanille et chocolat.The Microsoft Scripting Guys

Inside Microsoft Update Downloads to x64

One of the responsibilities of the Microsoft. com operations team is to manage the infrastructure that supports the Windows Update and Microsoft Update services, which have client bases in the hundreds of millions and growing.Deighton Maragh and Mark W. Roellich

Serving the Web:Nine Tips to Enhance IIS Security

Securing your IIS 6.0 installation is an important task. The amount of work required can vary greatly depending on the complexity of your application as well as your infrastructure and how these combine with your need to secure content.Brett Hill

Field Notes:Building Sound Walls

As IT professionals, we need to build an ordered realm. We want the citizens within our network realm to work and live safely and securely, and we want to protect the assets of this realm. We know there are barbarians out there who might want to acquire our assets and use them for their own nefarious ends, so we build a wall around our corporate computing assets.Mark Scott

TechNet Update:Tools from the TechNet Security Center

You are probably all too aware that IT security is about much more than just installing a few key tools and applications and then keeping current with security updates. You not only have to keep your systems secure on a day-to-day basis by taking the right preventative measures and having the most appropriate security and management tools, but you also have to find ways to foresee future threats and implement strategies to combat them.Geof Wheelwright

Windows Confidential:The Intranet Can Be a Scary Place

If you’ve installed Windows Server™ 2003, you’ve probably discovered that Microsoft® Internet Explorer® doesn’t behave quite the same as it used to. You get prompted for your domain password more often, script doesn’t run, downloading from Web Folders is blocked—it’s just not fun.Raymond Chen