Table Input and Output Routines
These API routines allow you manipulate Visual FoxPro tables.
_DBAppend( )
Attempts to append a new record to the table in the specified workarea.
_DBLock( )
Attempts to lock the current table record or file in a work area specified by workarea.
_DBRead( )
Moves the current record pointer to the specified record in the specified workarea.
_DBRecCount( )
Returns the total number of records in the table open in the specified workarea.
_DBRecNo( )
Returns the number of the current record in the table in the specified workarea.
_DBReplace( )
Places a new value in a field.
_DBRewind( )
Performs a GOTO TOP in the specified workarea and returns the resultant record number.
_DBSeek( )
Searches an indexed table in the current work area for the first record whose index key matches the value val.
_DBSkip( )
Performs a SKIP in the specified workarea of the distance specified.
_DBStatus( )
Returns status flags for the specified workarea.
_DBUnlock( )
Releases all user-obtained locks on records or the file in the work area specified by workarea.
_DBUnwind( )
Performs a GOTO BOTTOM in the specified workarea and returns the resultant record number.
_DBWrite( )
Writes to disk the current record in the specified workarea and updates any affected indexes.