Determines the degree of confidence in the match between a document type and this template.
virtual Confidence MatchDocType(
LPCTSTR lpszPathName,
CDocument*& rpDocMatch
Pathname of the file whose type is to be determined.rpDocMatch
Pointer to a document that is assigned the matching document, if the file specified by lpszPathName is already open.
Return Value
A value from the Confidence enumeration, which is defined as follows:
enum Confidence
Use this function to determine the type of document template to use for opening a file. If your application supports multiple file types, for example, you can use this function to determine which of the available document templates is appropriate for a given file by calling MatchDocType for each template in turn, and choosing a template according to the confidence value returned.
If the file specified by lpszPathName is already open, this function returns CDocTemplate::yesAlreadyOpen and copies the file's CDocument object into the object at rpDocMatch.
If the file is not open but the extension in lpszPathName matches the extension specified by CDocTemplate::filterExt, this function returns CDocTemplate::yesAttemptNative and sets rpDocMatch to NULL. For more information on CDocTemplate::filterExt, see CDocTemplate::GetDocString.
If neither case is true, the function returns CDocTemplate::yesAttemptForeign.
The default implementation does not return CDocTemplate::maybeAttemptForeign or CDocTemplate::maybeAttemptNative. Override this function to implement type-matching logic appropriate to your application, perhaps using these two values from the Confidence enumeration.
Header: afxwin.h