CWnd Members
Base Class Members
Data Members
Indicates the HWND attached to this CWnd. |
Constructs a CWnd object. |
Destroys the attached Windows window. |
Attaches a Windows handle to a CWnd object. |
Called to calculate the window rectangle from the client rectangle. |
Creates and initializes the child window associated with the CWnd object. |
Create an ActiveX control that will be represented in an MFC program by a CWnd object. |
Creates a Windows overlapped, pop-up, or child window and attaches it to a CWnd object. |
Called automatically by the CWinApp idle-time handler and deletes any temporary CWnd objects created by FromHandle. |
Detaches a Windows handle from a CWnd object and returns the handle. |
Returns a pointer to a CWnd object when given a handle to a window. If a CWnd object is not attached to the handle, a temporary CWnd object is created and attached. |
Returns a pointer to a CWnd object when given a handle to a window. If a CWnd object is not attached to the handle, NULL is returned. |
Returns the window's extended style. |
Returns m_hWnd, or NULL if the this pointer is NULL. |
Returns the current window style. |
Called before the creation of the Windows window attached to this CWnd object. |
Allows other necessary subclassing to occur before SubclassWindow is called. |
Attaches a window to a CWnd object and makes it route messages through the CWnd's message map. |
Detaches a window from a CWnd object |
Window State Functions
Call this member function to make a frame window modal. |
Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input. |
Call this member function to change a frame window from modal to modeless. |
Retrieves the active window. |
Retrieves the CWnd that has the mouse capture. |
Retrieves the Windows desktop window. |
Retrieves the CWnd that currently has the input focus. |
Returns a pointer to the foreground window (the top-level window with which the user is currently working). |
Retrieves the handle to an icon. |
Retrieves the help context identifier. |
Specifies whether CWnd has touch support. |
Determines whether the window is enabled for mouse and keyboard input. |
Modifies the current window style. |
Modifies the window's extended style. |
Register/Unregister window Windows touch support. |
Activates the window. |
Causes all subsequent mouse input to be sent to the CWnd. |
Claims the input focus. |
Puts the thread that created the window into the foreground and activates the window. |
Sets the handle to a specific icon. |
Sets the help context identifier. |
Window Size and Position
Arranges all the minimized (iconic) child windows. |
Brings CWnd to the top of a stack of overlapping windows. |
Minimizes the window. |
Gets the dimensions of the CWnd client area. |
Retrieves the show state and the normal (restored), minimized, and maximized positions of a window. |
Gets the screen coordinates of CWnd. |
Retrieves a copy of the window region of a window. |
Determines whether CWnd is minimized (iconic). |
Determines whether CWnd is maximized. |
Changes the position and dimensions of CWnd. |
Sets the show state and the normal (restored), minimized, and maximized positions for a window. |
Changes the size, position, and ordering of child, pop-up, and top-level windows. |
Sets the region of a window. |
Window Access Functions
Centers a window relative to its parent. |
Determines which, if any, of the child windows contains the specified point. |
Returns the handle of the window, which is identified by its window name and window class. |
Returns the handle of the window, which is identified by its window name and window class. |
Retrieves the ancestor window object of the specified window. |
Searches all descendant windows and returns the window with the specified ID. |
If the CWnd is a child window, calling this function returns its ID value. |
Retrieves the control with the specified ID from the specified dialog box. |
Retrieves the opacity and transparency color key of a layered window. |
Determines which pop-up window owned by CWnd was most recently active. |
Returns the next (or previous) window in the window manager's list. |
Retrieves a pointer to the owner of a CWnd. |
Retrieves the parent window of CWnd (if any). |
Retrieves the CWnd object's parent frame window. |
Returns a pointer to a child window's parent window. |
Retrieves the safe owner for the given window. |
Retrieves the window's top-level frame window. |
Retrieves the top-level window. |
Retrieves the window's top-level parent. |
Returns the first child window that belongs to the CWnd. |
Returns the window with the specified relationship to this window. |
Returns information about the window. |
Returns the number of associated child windows. |
Returns the number of associated windowless child windows. |
Indicates whether CWnd is a child window or other direct descendant of the specified window. |
Sends a message to all descendant windows of the window. |
Sets the window or control ID for the window (which can be any child window, not only a control in a dialog box). |
Changes the owner of a CWnd. |
Changes the parent window. |
Initializes or retrieves data from a dialog box. |
Call to update the state of dialog buttons and other controls. |
Identifies the window that contains the given point. |
Update/Painting Functions
Animates the associated window object. |
Prepares CWnd for painting. |
Draws a wire-frame rectangle and animates it to indicate the opening of an icon or the minimizing or maximizing of a window. |
Draws a caption. |
Enables or disables one or both arrows of a scroll bar. |
Marks the end of painting. |
Retrieves a display context for the client area. |
Retrieves a display context for the client area, and enables clipping while drawing. |
Retrieves the coordinates of the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the CWnd update region. |
Retrieves the CWnd update region. |
Retrieves the display context for the whole window, including the caption bar, menus, and scroll bars. |
Invalidates the entire client area. |
Invalidates the client area within the given rectangle by adding that rectangle to the current update region. |
Invalidates the client area within the given region by adding that region to the current update region. |
Determines whether the window is visible. |
Disables or reenables drawing in the given window. |
Draws the current window in the specified device context. |
Copies a visual window into the specified device context, typically a printer DC. |
Draws any window in the specified device context (usually a printer device context). |
Updates the specified rectangle or region in the client area. |
Releases client and window device contexts, freeing them for use by other applications. |
Sets the opacity and transparency color key of a layered window. |
Allows changes in CWnd to be redrawn or prevents changes from being redrawn. |
Shows or hides all pop-up windows owned by the window. |
Shows or hides the window. |
Unlocks a window that was locked with CWnd::LockWindowUpdate. |
Updates the position, size, shape, content, and translucency of a layered window. |
Updates the client area. |
Validates the client area within the given rectangle by removing the rectangle from the current update region. |
Validates the client area within the given region by removing the region from the current update region. |
Coordinate Mapping Functions
Converts the client coordinates of a given point or rectangle on the display to screen coordinates. |
Converts (maps) a set of points from the coordinate space of the CWnd to the coordinate space of another window. |
Converts the screen coordinates of a given point or rectangle on the display to client coordinates. |
Window Text Functions
Retrieves the current font. |
Returns the window text or caption title (if it has one). |
Returns the length of the window's text or caption title. |
Sets the current font. |
Sets the window text or caption title (if it has one) to the specified text. |
Scrolling Functions
Enables or disables a sibling scroll-bar control. |
Returns a sibling scroll-bar control. |
Retrieves the information that the SCROLLINFO structure maintains about a scroll bar. |
Retrieves the limit of the scroll bar. |
Retrieves the current position of a scroll box. |
Copies the current minimum and maximum scroll-bar positions for the given scroll bar. |
Repositions control bars in the client area. |
Scrolls the contents of the client area. |
Scrolls the contents of the client area. Similar to ScrollWindow, with additional features. |
Sets information about the scroll bar. |
Sets the current position of a scroll box and, if specified, redraws the scroll bar to reflect the new position. |
Sets minimum and maximum position values for the given scroll bar. |
Displays or hides a scroll bar. |
Drag-Drop Functions
Indicates the window will accept dragged files. |
Caret Functions
Creates a new shape for the system caret and gets ownership of the caret. |
Creates a gray block for the system caret and gets ownership of the caret. |
Creates a solid block for the system caret and gets ownership of the caret. |
Retrieves the client coordinates of the caret's current position. |
Hides the caret by removing it from the display screen. |
Moves the caret to a specified position. |
Shows the caret on the display at the caret's current position. Once shown, the caret begins flashing automatically. |
Dialog-Box Item Functions
Places a check mark next to or removes a check mark from a button control. |
Checks the specified radio button and removes the check mark from all other radio buttons in the specified group of buttons. |
Continues a window's modal status. |
Fills a list box with a file or directory listing. |
Fills the list box of a combo box with a file or directory listing. |
Retrieves the current selection from a list box. |
Retrieves the current selection from the list box of a combo box. |
Ends a window's modal status. |
Initiates a dialog resource. |
Returns the ID of the currently checked radio button in a group of buttons. |
Retrieves information about the specified scroll bar. |
Retrieves information about the specified title bar. |
Retrieves information about the specified menu bar. |
Translates the text of a control in the given dialog box to an integer value. |
Retrieves the caption or text associated with a control. |
Searches for the next (or previous) control within a group of controls. |
Retrieves the first control with the WS_TABSTOP style that follows (or precedes) the specified control. |
Determines whether the given message is intended for the modeless dialog box and, if so, processes it. |
Determines whether a button control is checked. |
Retrieves, translates, or dispatches messages for a window that is in modal status. |
Sends a message to the specified control. |
Sets the text of a control to the string that represents an integer value. |
Sets the caption or text of a control in the specified dialog box. |
Attaches a Windows control to a CWnd object and makes it route messages through the CWnd's message map. |
Data-Binding Functions
Binds the calling object's default simple bound property, as marked in the type library, to a cursor associated with a data-source control. |
Binds a cursor-bound property on a data-bound control to a data-source control and registers that relationship with the MFC binding manager. |
Retrieves a pointer to the underlying cursor that is defined by the DataSource, UserName, Password, and SQL properties of a data-source control. |
Menu Functions
Redraws the menu bar. |
Retrieves a pointer to the specified menu. |
Allows the application to access the Control menu for copying and modification. |
Highlights or removes the highlighting from a top-level (menu-bar) menu item. |
Sets the menu to the specified menu. |
Tool Tip Functions
Disables the tooltip control. |
Enables the tooltip control. |
Enables the tooltip control in tracking mode. |
Retrieves the title or text associated with a control in a dialog box. |
Determines whether a point is in the bounding rectangle of the specified tool and retrieves information about the tool. |
Timer Functions
Kills a system timer. |
Installs a system timer that sends a WM_TIMER message when triggered. |
Alert Functions
Flashes the window once. |
Flashes the window with additional functionality. |
Creates and displays a window that contains an application-supplied message and caption. |
Window Message Functions
Calls the default window procedure, which provides default processing for any window messages that an application does not process. |
Returns a pointer to the message this window is currently processing. Should only be called when in an OnMessage message-handler member function. |
Places a message in the application queue, then returns without waiting for the window to process the message. |
Used by CWinApp to filter window messages before they are dispatched to the TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage Windows functions. |
Sends a message to the CWnd object and does not return until it has processed the message. |
Sends the specified message to the window and returns as soon as possible, depending on whether the calling thread created the window. |
Clipboard Functions
Removes CWnd from the chain of Clipboard viewers. |
Retrieves a pointer to the current owner of the Clipboard. |
Retrieves a pointer to the first window in the chain of Clipboard viewers. |
Retrieves a pointer to the window that currently has the Clipboard open. |
Opens the Clipboard. Other applications will not be able to modify the Clipboard until the Windows CloseClipboard function is called. |
Adds CWnd to the chain of windows that are notified whenever the contents of the Clipboard are changed. |
ActiveX Controls
Retrieves a pointer to an unknown ActiveX control. |
Retrieves the custom site for the specified ActiveX control. |
Retrieves an ActiveX control property. |
Invokes an ActiveX control method or property. |
Implement ambient property values. |
Sets an ActiveX control property. |
Calls the default window procedure, which provides default processing for any window messages that an application does not process. |
For dialog data exchange and validation. Called by UpdateData. |
Called by a parent window to give a notifying control a chance to respond to a control notification. |
Called by the framework to inform a parent window an event has occurred in one of its controls or that the control needs information. |
This virtual function is called by the default OnNcDestroy function after the window has been destroyed. |
Provides a window procedure for a CWnd. The default dispatches messages through the message map. |
Help Command Handlers and Functions
Called to initiate the HTMLHelp application. |
Handles the ID_HELP_FINDER and ID_DEFAULT_HELP commands. |
Handles the ID_HELP_INDEX command and provides a default Help topic. |
Handles the ID_HELP_USING command. |
Handles F1 Help within the application (using the current context). |
Called to initiate the WinHelp application. |
Initialization Message Handlers
Called when a menu is about to become active. |
Called when a pop-up menu is about to become active. |
System Message Handlers
Called when the user interface (UI) state should be changed. |
Called to retrieve the user interface (UI) state for a window. |
Called to change the user interface (UI) state for the specified window and all its child windows. |
Called when Windows detects that system memory is low. |
Called for all top-level windows when the user changes device-mode settings. |
Called when the user releases the left mouse button over a window that has registered itself as the recipient of dropped files. |
Called when the pool of font resources changes. |
Called to allow windows that use a color palette to realize their logical palettes and update their client areas. |
Informs other applications when an application is going to realize its logical palette. |
Called from Print Manager whenever a job is added to or removed from the Print Manager queue. |
Called when a keystroke translates to a system character. |
Called for all top-level windows when a change is made in the system color setting. |
Called when the user selects a command from the Control menu, or when the user selects the Maximize or Minimize button. |
Called when a keystroke translates to a system dead character (such as accent characters). |
Called when the user holds down the ALT key and then presses another key. |
Called when the user releases a key that was pressed while the ALT key was held down. |
Called for all top-level windows after the system time changes. |
Called when the size, position, or Z-order has changed as a result of a call to SetWindowPos or another window-management function. |
Called when the size, position, or Z-order is about to change as a result of a call to SetWindowPos or another window-management function. |
Called for all top-level windows after the Windows initialization file, WIN.INI, is changed. |
General Message Handlers
Called when CWnd is being activated or deactivated. |
Called when the application is about to be activated or deactivated. |
Called to allow CWnd to cancel any internal modes, such as mouse capture. |
Called for multiple document interface (MDI) child windows whenever the size or position of CWnd changes or CWnd is activated. |
Called as a signal that CWnd should be closed. |
Called when the user selects a command. |
Called when the user clicks the right mouse button in the window. |
Copies data from one application to another. |
Called as a part of window creation. |
Called if CWnd is the parent of a control when the control is about to be drawn. |
Called when CWnd is being destroyed. |
Notifies an application or device driver of a change to the hardware configuration of a device or the computer. |
Called by the framework when it needs to obtain a bitmap to be displayed on Windows 7 tab thumbnail, or on the client for application peek. |
Called when CWnd is enabled or disabled. |
Called when the session is ending. |
Called to inform an application's main window procedure that a modal dialog box or a menu is entering an idle state. |
Called when the window background needs erasing. |
Called whenever Windows needs to know the maximized position or dimensions, or the minimum or maximum tracking size. |
Called when CWnd is minimized (iconic) and the background of the icon must be filled before painting the icon. |
Called immediately before CWnd loses the input focus. |
Called when the user presses a menu mnemonic character that doesn't match any of the predefined mnemonics in the current menu. |
Called when the user selects a menu item. |
Called after the position of the CWnd has been changed. |
Indicates that a user is moving a CWnd object. |
Called to repaint a portion of the window. |
Called when a child window is created or destroyed, or when the user clicks a mouse button while the cursor is over the child window. |
Called when a minimized (iconic) CWnd is about to be dragged by the user. |
Called when the user chooses to end the Windows session. |
Informs CWnd that it is about to receive the input focus. |
Called when CWnd is an icon and the user requests that the icon be opened. |
Called after CWnd gains the input focus. |
Called when CWnd is to be hidden or shown. |
Called after the size of CWnd has changed. |
Indicates that the user is resizing the rectangle. |
Indicates that the SetWindowLong Windows function has changed one or more of the window's styles. |
Indicates that one or more of the window's styles has changed. |
Indicates that the SetWindowLong Windows function is about to change one or more of the window's styles. |
Indicates that one or more of the window's styles is about to change. |
Control Message Handlers
Called by a child list box with the LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style in response to a WM_CHAR message. |
Called to determine the relative position of a new item in a child sorted owner-draw combo box or list box. |
Called when an owner-draw child list box or combo box is destroyed or when items are removed from the control. |
Called when a visual aspect of an owner-draw child button control, combo-box control, list-box control, or menu needs to be drawn. |
Called for a control so the control can process arrow-key and TAB-key input itself. |
Called for an owner-draw child combo box, list box, or menu item when the control is created. CWnd informs Windows of the dimensions of the control. |
Called by a list box owned by CWnd in response to a WM_KEYDOWN message. |
Indicates if a windows message was handled. |
Helper function which reflects a message to its source. |
Reflects the last message to the child window. |
Provides a notification message to a child window, from the parent window, so the child window can handle a task. |
Input Message Handlers
Sends a message to the window that is losing the mouse capture. |
Called when a keystroke translates to a nonsystem character. |
Called when a keystroke translates to a nonsystem dead character (such as accent characters). |
Called when the user clicks the horizontal scroll bar of CWnd. |
Called when a nonsystem key is pressed. |
Called when a nonsystem key is released. |
Called when the user double-clicks the left mouse button. |
Called when the user presses the left mouse button. |
Called when the user releases the left mouse button. |
Called when the user double-clicks the middle mouse button. |
Called when the user presses the middle mouse button. |
Called when the user releases the middle mouse button. |
Called when the cursor is in an inactive window and the user presses a mouse button. |
Called when the mouse cursor moves. |
Called when a user rotates the mouse wheel. Uses Windows NT 4.0 message handling. |
Called when the user double-clicks the right mouse button. |
Called when the user presses the right mouse button. |
Called when the user releases the right mouse button. |
Called when a user rotates the mouse wheel. Uses Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 3.51 message-handling. |
Process single input from Windows touch. |
Process inputs from Windows touch. |
Called if mouse input is not captured and the mouse causes cursor movement within a window. |
Called after each interval specified in SetTimer. |
Called when the user clicks the window's vertical scroll bar. |
Nonclient-Area Message Handlers
Called when the nonclient area needs to be changed to indicate an active or inactive state. |
Called when the size and position of the client area need to be calculated. |
Called prior to OnCreate when the nonclient area is being created. |
Called when the nonclient area is being destroyed. |
Called by Windows every time the mouse is moved if CWnd contains the cursor or has captured mouse input with SetCapture. |
Called when the user double-clicks the left mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
Called when the user presses the left mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
Called when the user releases the left mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
Called when the user double-clicks the middle mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
Called when the user presses the middle mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
Called when the user releases the middle mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
Called when the cursor is moved within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
Called when the nonclient area needs painting. |
Called when the user double-clicks the right mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
Called when the user presses the right mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
Called when the user releases the right mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of CWnd. |
MDI Message Handlers
Called when an MDI child window is activated or deactivated. |
Clipboard Message Handlers
Called by a Clipboard viewer application when a Clipboard owner will display the Clipboard contents. |
Notifies that a specified window is being removed from the chain. |
Called when the Clipboard is emptied through a call to the Windows EmptyClipboard function. |
Called when the contents of the change. |
Called when a Clipboard owner should scroll the Clipboard image, invalidate the appropriate section, and update the scroll-bar values. |
Called when the client area of the Clipboard viewer needs repainting. |
Called when the owner application is being destroyed and needs to render all its formats. |
Called for the Clipboard owner when a particular format with delayed rendering needs to be rendered. |
Called when the size of the client area of the Clipboard-viewer window has changed. |
Called when the owner should scroll the Clipboard image, invalidate the appropriate section, and update the scroll-bar values. |
Menu Loop Notification
Called when a menu modal loop has been entered. |
Called when a menu modal loop has been exited. |
Determines if a window is not the same as the window whose handle is m_hWnd. |
Determines if a window is the same as the window whose handle is m_hWnd. |
Call to get a handle to a window. |
Active Accessibility Functions
Called by the framework to perform the object's default action. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the child element or child object at a given point on the screen. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the specified object's current screen location. |
Called by the framework to traverse to another user interface element within a container and if possible, retrieve the object. |
Called by the framework to modify the selection or move the keyboard focus of the specified object. |
Creates an Active Accessibility proxy for the specified object. |
Enables user-defined Active Accessibility functions. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the address of an IDispatch interface for the specified child. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the number of children belonging to this object. |
Called by the framework to retrieve a string that describes the object's default action. |
Called by framework to retrieve a string that describes the visual appearance of the specified object. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the object that has the keyboard focus. |
Called by the framework to retrieve an object's Help property string. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the full path of the WinHelp file associated with the specified object and the identifier of the appropriate topic within that file. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the specified object's shortcut key or access key. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the name of the specified object. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the IDispatch interface of the object's parent. |
Called by the framework to retrieve information that describes the role of the specified object. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the selected children of this object. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the current state of the specified object. |
Signals the system that a predefined event occurred. |
Called by the framework to retrieve the value of the specified object. |
Draws windowless controls on the control container. |