Partager via


Searches each pane for the given point.

CBasePane* PaneFromPoint(
   CPoint point,
   int nSensitivity,
   bool bExactBar,
   CRuntimeClass* pRTCBarType
) const;
CBasePane* PaneFromPoint(
   CPoint point,
   int nSensitivity,
   DWORD& dwAlignment,
   CRuntimeClass* pRTCBarType
) const;


  • [in] point
    The screen coordinates of the point to check.

  • [in] nSensitivity
    Expand the bounding rectangle of each control bar by this amount when searching for point.

  • [in] bExactBar
    TRUE to ignore the nSensitivity parameter; otherwise, FALSE.

  • [in] pRTCBarType
    If not NULL, the method searches only the control bars of the specified type.

  • [out] dwAlignment
    If successful, this parameter contains the side of the control bar that is closest to the specified point. Otherwise, this parameter is not initialized.

Return Value

A pointer to a control bar that contains the point; NULL if no control is found.


This method searches all the control bars in your application for a point.

Use nSensitivity to increase the size of the search area. Use pRTCBarType to restrict the types of control bars that the method searches.


Header: afxframewndex.h

See Also


CFrameWndEx Class

Hierarchy Chart