Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client Namespace
The Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client namespace provides the APIs necessary to interface a client application with the Team Foundation Server build functionality.
Class | Description | |
AccessDeniedException | Exception that is thrown when access is denied. | |
AdministrationException | Exception for an adminstration error. | |
BuildActivityAttribute | Represents a build activity attribute. | |
BuildAgentAlreadyExistsException | Exception that is thrown when a build agent already exists. | |
BuildAgentDoesNotExistException | Exception that is thrown when a build agent does not exist. | |
BuildAgentFailureException | Exception for a build agent failure. | |
BuildAgentNotFoundException | Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not found. | |
BuildAgentNotFoundForUriException | Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not found at the specified URI. | |
BuildAgentNotReadyToSaveException | Exception that is thrown when the build agent was not ready to save. | |
BuildAgentNotRecognizedException | Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not recognized. | |
BuildAgentNotUniqueException | Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not unique. | |
BuildAgentSpecNotUniqueException | Exception that is thrown when a build agent spec was not unique. | |
BuildAgentUpdateException | Exception that is thrown when a build agent is updating. | |
BuildControllerAlreadyExistsException | Exception that is thrown when a build controller already exists. | |
BuildControllerDeletionException | Exception that is thrown when an error occurs in the deletion of a build controller. | |
BuildControllerDoesNotExistException | Exception that is thrown when a build controller does not exist. | |
BuildControllerNotFoundException | Exception that is thrown when a build controller was not found. | |
BuildControllerNotFoundForUriException | Exception that is thrown when a build controller was not found at the specified URI. | |
BuildControllerNotReadyToSaveException | Exception that is thrown when the build controller was not ready to save. | |
BuildControllerSpecNotUniqueException | Exception that is thrown when a build controller spec was not unique. | |
BuildDefinitionAlreadyExistsException | Exception that is thrown when a build definition already exists. | |
BuildDefinitionDisabledException | Exception that is thrown when a build definition is disabled. | |
BuildDefinitionDoesNotExistException | Exception that is thrown when a build definition does not exist. | |
BuildDefinitionFailureException | Exception that is thrown for a build definition failure. | |
BuildDefinitionNotFoundException | Exception that is thrown when a build definition was not found. | |
BuildDefinitionNotFoundForUriException | Exception that is thrown when a build definition was not found at the specified URI. | |
BuildDefinitionSpecNotUniqueException | Exception that is thrown when a build definition spec was not unique. | |
BuildExtensionAttribute | Represents a build extension attribute. | |
BuildFailedException | Exception that is thrown when a build failed. | |
BuildFailureException | Exception for a build failure. | |
BuildGroupAlreadyExistsException | Exception that is thrown when a build group already exists. | |
BuildGroupDoesNotExistException | Exception that is thrown when a build group does not exist. | |
BuildNotDeletedException | Exception for a build that was not deleted. | |
BuildNotFinishedException | Exception that is thrown when a build did not finish. | |
BuildNotFoundException | Exception that is thrown when a build was not found. | |
BuildNotFoundForUriException | Exception that is thrown when a build was not found at the specified uniform resource identifier (URI). | |
BuildNumberAlreadyExistsException | Exception for a build number that already exists. | |
BuildQualityDoesNotExistException | Exception that is thrown when build quality does not exist. | |
BuildReasonNotSupportedException | Exception that is thrown when a build reason is not supported. | |
BuildServerException | Base class for a build server exception. | |
BuildServiceHostAlreadyExistsException | Exception that is thrown when a build service host already exists. | |
BuildServiceHostDoesNotExistException | Exception that is thrown when a build service host does not exist. | |
BuildServiceHostNotFoundException | Exception that is thrown when a build service host was not found. | |
BuildServiceHostNotFoundForUriException | Exception that is thrown when a build service host was not found at the specified URI. | |
BuildServiceHostSpecNotUniqueException | Exception that is thrown when a build service host spec was not unique. | |
BuildSpecNotUniqueException | Exception that is thrown when a build spec was not unique. | |
BuildStoppedException | Exception that is thrown when the build stopped. | |
BuildTeamProjectPermission | Represents a build project permission for a particular user. | |
CannotDeleteDefinitionBuildExistsException | Exception that is thrown when the build definition cannot be deleted because of an existing build. | |
CannotDeleteInProgressBuildException | Exception that is caused by an attempt do delete a build that is in progress. | |
CannotStopBuildException | Exception that is thrown when the build cannot be stopped. | |
CodeCoverageStatus | Describes the status of the code coverage process. | |
ConfigurationFolderPathNotFoundException | Exception that is thrown when a configuration folder path was not found. | |
CoverageServiceRestartFailureDuringDeleteException | Exception that is caused when coverage service restarts during a delete operation. | |
CustomAssemblyPathNotFoundException | Exception that is thrown when a custom assembly path was not found. | |
CustomBuildServiceException | Exception for an error with a custom build service. | |
DeleteBuildFailedException | Exception that is thrown when a build delete request failed. | |
DuplicateInformationChangeRequestException | Exception that is caused by a duplicate information change request. | |
DuplicateProcessTemplateException | Exception for a duplicate process template. | |
GatedCheckInTicketValidationException | Exception that is caused by an error that occurs in gated check-in ticker validation. | |
InformationAddRequestCycleException | Exception that is caused by an error in an information add request cycle. | |
InformationChangeRequestException | Exception that is caused by an error in an information change request. | |
InformationNodeConverters | Provides methods to convert IBuildInformationNode objects to more specific types. | |
InformationNodeDoesNotExistException | Exception that is thrown when an information node does not exist. | |
InformationParentNodeDoesNotExistException | Exception that is thrown when an information node parent does not exist. | |
InvalidBuildAgentReservationException | Exception for an invalid build agent reservation. | |
InvalidBuildGroupItemUpdateException | Exception that is caused by a build group item update that is not valid. | |
InvalidBuildRequestException | Exception that is caused by a build request that is not valid. | |
InvalidBuildUriException | Exception that is caused by a build URI that is not valid. | |
InvalidFinalStatusException | Exception for a final status that is not valid. | |
InvalidPlatformFlavorException | Exception that is caused by a platform flavor that is not valid. | |
InvalidQueueRequestException | Exception that is thrown when an error occurs because a queue request is not valid. | |
MultipleDefaultProcessTemplatesException | Exception caused by the existence of multiple default process templates. | |
MultipleUpgradeProcessTemplatesException | Exception that is caused by the existence of multiple upgrade process templates. | |
PollingCompletedEventArgs | Event arguments for a polling completed event. | |
ProcessTemplateDeletedException | Exception that is thrown when a process template is deleted. | |
ProcessTemplateNotFoundException | Exception that is thrown when the process template was not found. | |
ProjectFileCreationException | Exception for an error in project file creation. | |
ProjectFileTemplateNotFoundException | Exception that is thrown when a project file template was not found. | |
QueuedBuildDoesNotExistException | Exception that is thrown when a queued build does not exist. | |
QueuedBuildUpdateException | Exception that is thrown when an error occurs with a queued build update. | |
ResponseFileCreationException | Exception for an error in response file creation. | |
SecurityException | Exception for a security error. | |
SharedResourceAlreadyAcquiredException | Exception that is thrown when a shared resource was already acquired. | |
SharedResourceAlreadyRequestedException | Exception that is thrown when a shared resource was already requested. | |
StatusChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for a status change event. | |
StopBuildFailedException | Exception that is thrown when a build stop request failed. | |
StopBuildTimeoutException | Exception that is caused by a time-out on the request to stop a build. |
Interface | Description | |
IActivityProperties | Interface for an IActivityProperties type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IActivityProperties node, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IActivityTracking | Interface for an IActivityTracking type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IActivityTracking, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IAgentScopeActivityTracking | Interface for an IAgentScopeActivityTracking type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IAgentScopeActivityTracking node, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IBuildAgent | This interface defines methods for accessing the build agent on the Team Foundation Build computer. | |
IBuildAgentQueryResult | This interface returns the results of a query for IBuildAgent. | |
IBuildAgentSpec | This interface specifies a build agent used to query for build agents. | |
IBuildController | Interface for a build controller in the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
IBuildControllerQueryResult | The interface for the result of a query for IBuildControllers. | |
IBuildControllerSpec | Interface for a build controller specification. Used to query for build controllers. | |
IBuildDefinition | This interface represents a build definition. | |
IBuildDefinitionQueryResult | This interface represents the result of a query of IBuildDefinition objects. | |
IBuildDefinitionSpec | An interface for a build definition specification. Used to query for build definitions. | |
IBuildDeletionResult | An interface for a build deletion result. It represents the results of deleting a build from Team Foundation Server. | |
IBuildDetail | Interface for a build on the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
IBuildDetailSpec | Interface for a build detail specification. Used to query for builds on the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
IBuildError | Interface for a BuildError type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IBuildError, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IBuildErrorBase | Interface for BuildError and BuildWarning types of IBuildInformationNodes. To obtain an IBuildError or IBuildWarning, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IBuildGroupItem | Interface for a build group item on the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
IBuildInformation | Interface for a collection of information nodes about a build. | |
IBuildInformationNode | Interface for a single piece of hierarchical information about a build. | |
IBuildMessage | Interface for the BuildMessage type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IBuildMessage, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IBuildProjectNode | Interface for a BuildProjectNode type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IBuildProjectNode, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IBuildQueryResult | The interface for the result of a query for IBuildDetails. | |
IBuildRequest | Interface for a build request on the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
IBuildServer | Interface for the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
IBuildServiceHost | Interface for a build service host in the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
IBuildServiceHostQueryResult | The interface for the result of a query for IBuildServiceHosts. | |
IBuildStep | Interface for a BuildStep type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IBuildStep, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IBuildWarning | Interface for a BuildWarning type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IBuildWarning, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IChangesetSummary | Interface for a ChangesetSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IChangesetSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
ICodeCoverageSummary | Obsolete. Interface for a CodeCoverageSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an ICodeCoverageSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
ICompilationSummary | Obsolete. Interface for a CompilationSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an ICompilationSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IConfigurationSummary | Interface for a ConfigurationSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IConfigurationSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IConfigurationToBuild | Obsolete. An interface for a configuration to build in TfsBuild.proj. | |
IExternalLink | Interface for an ExternalLink type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IExternalLink, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IFailure | Interface for a failure that occurred during a server call. | |
IMetadataFile | Obsolete. Interface for a MetadataFile item in TfsBuild.proj. | |
IProcessTemplate | Interface for a process template for a build definition on the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
IProjectFile | Obsolete. Interface for a Team Foundation Server build project file (TfsBuild.proj). | |
IQueuedBuild | The interface for a queued build on the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
IQueuedBuildQueryResult | The interface for the result of a query for IQueuedBuilds. | |
IQueuedBuildSpec | Interface for a build queue specification, which can be used to query for queued builds. | |
IQueuedBuildsView | The interface for a view of the queued builds in the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
IRetentionPolicy | The interface for a retention policy in the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
ISchedule | The interface for a schedule of a build definition on the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
ISolutionToBuild | Obsolete. Interface for a SolutionToBuild item in TfsBuild.proj. | |
ITestContainer | Obsolete. Interface for a TestContainer item in TfsBuild.proj. | |
ITestSummary | Obsolete. Interface for TestSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an ITestSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IWorkItemSummary | Interface for a WorkItemSummary type of IBuildInformationNode. To obtain an IWorkItemSummary, use the InformationNodeConverters class. | |
IWorkspaceMapping | Represents a workspace mapping on the server that is running Team Foundation Build. | |
IWorkspaceTemplate | Represents a build definition workspace on the server that is running Team Foundation Build. |
Delegate | Description | |
PollingCompletedEventHandler | Event handler for a completed event. | |
StatusChangedEventHandler | Event handler for a status changed event. |
Enumeration | Description | |
Agent2008Status | Describes the status of a 2008 build agent. | |
AgentReservationStatus | Describes the state of an agent reservation. | |
AgentStatus | Describes the status of a build agent. | |
BuildAgentUpdate | Describes an update to the build agent. | |
BuildControllerUpdate | Describes an update being made to the build controller. | |
BuildMessageImportance | Describes the importance of a message. | |
BuildPhaseStatus | Describes the status of the build phase. | |
BuildQueryOrder | Describes the build query order. | |
BuildReason | Describes the reason for the build. | |
BuildServerVersion | Describes the version of the build server. | |
BuildServiceHostUpdate | Describes an update on the build service host. | |
BuildStatus | This enumeration represents the status of builds and build steps. | |
BuildStepStatus | Describes the build step status. | |
BuildUpdate | Describes an update to the build. | |
CodeAnalysisRunType | Obsolete. Describes the code analysis run type. | |
ContinuousIntegrationType | Describes the continuous integration type. | |
ControllerStatus | Describes the controller status. | |
DeleteOptions | Options for delete. | |
GetOption | Describes options for a get operation. | |
HostEnvironmentOption | Describes the host environment options. | |
InformationEditOptions | Describes options for information edit. | |
ProcessTemplateType | Describes the type of a process template. | |
QueryDeletedOption | Options for querying deleted items. | |
QueryOptions | Options for a query. | |
QueuedBuildUpdate | Describes the priority of a queued build update. | |
QueueOptions | Describes options for a queue. | |
QueuePriority | Describes priority in queue. | |
QueueStatus | Describes the status of the queue item. | |
ScheduleDays | Describes the schedule days. | |
ScheduleType | Describes the schedule type. | |
WorkspaceMappingDepth | Describes the workspace mapping depth. | |
WorkspaceMappingType | Describes the type of a workspace mapping. |