Partager via


Un type qui fournit une référence à une constante en type d'objet a géré par l'allocateur.

typedef const value_type& const_reference;


Le type référence décrit un objet qui peut indiquer un objet const qu'un objet d'allocateur de classe de modèle peut allouer.


// allocator_const_ref.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main( ) 
   vector <double> v;
   vector <double> ::iterator vIter, vfIter;
   vector <double> :: allocator_type vAlloc;

   int j;
   for ( j = 1 ; j <= 7 ; j++ )
      v.push_back( 100.0 * j );

   cout << "The original vector v is:\n ( " ;
   for ( vIter = v.begin( ) ; vIter != v.end( ) ; vIter++ )
      cout << *vIter << " ";
   cout << ")." << endl;

   vfIter = v.begin( );
   allocator<double>::const_reference vcref =*vfIter;
   cout << "The value of the element referred to by vref is: "
        << vcref << ",\n the first element in the vector." << endl;

   // const references can have their elements modified,
   // so the following would generate an error:
   // vcref = 150;
   // but the value of the first element could be modified through
   // its nonconst iterator and the const reference would remain valid
   *vfIter = 175;
   cout << "The value of the element referred to by vcref,"
        <<"\n after nofication through its nonconst iterator, is: "
        << vcref << "." << endl;

Configuration requise

en-tête : <memory>

l'espace de noms : DST

Voir aussi


allocator Class