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Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client Namespace

The Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client namespace provides the APIs to connect to Visual Studio Team Foundation Server and to access data about team project collections and team projects.

You can use TfsConfigurationServer to connect to a team project, and you can use TfsTeamProjectCollection with CatalogNode to access data about team project collections and team projects. For more information, see Connect to Team Foundation Server from a Console Application.

You can access more data about team projects by using TfsTeamProjectCollection.GetServiceInstance or TfsConfigurationServer.GetServiceInstance to obtain objects such as the WorkItemStore and VersionControlServer classes and the IBuildServer interface. For more information, see the discussion of GetServiceInstance in Connect to Team Foundation Server from a Console Application.


  Class Description
Public class ArtifactVersionSpec Set of well-known ArtifactSpec versions.
Public class BasicAuthCredential Provides a credential for basic authentication against a Team Foundation Server.
Public class BasicAuthToken Provides a token for basic authentication of internet identities.
Public class BorderPanel This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class ClientContext Represents the context of a command that is initiated by a client application.
Public class ConfirmationBuilder Responsible for processing entries for the Confirmation Page from individual wizard pages.
Public class ConnectedUserContext
Public class ConnectionUserChangedEventArgs
Public class ConnectivityFailureStatusChangedEventArgs The EventArgs object provided to event handlers for the ConnectivityFailureStatusChanged event on TfsConnection.
Public class ContextChangedEventArgs EventArgs for the ContextChanged event on the ITeamFoundationContextManager interface.
Public class ContextChangingEventArgs EventArgs for the ContextChanging event on the ITeamFoundationContextManager interface.
Public class CookieCredential Provides federated authentication with a hosted TfsConnection instance using cookies.
Public class CookieToken Provides a cookie-based authentication token.
Public class CredentialsChangedEventArgs Contains properties that are affected when the credentials of the Team Foundation Server object change.
Public class DeletionException Thrown when an error occurs during a deletion.
Public class DragDrop
Public class DragDropParameters
Public class FederatedCredential Provides a common implementation for federated credentials.
Public class GzipResourceReader
Public class InformationBar This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class IssuedToken Provides a common base class for issued tokens.
Public class IssuedTokenCredential Provides a common base class for issued token credentials.
Public class LinksCollection Represents a collection of mappings of artifact IDs to their respective artifact URLs that were created during methodology template instantiation.
Public class LogLevels Describes different categories for log entries.
Public class NotificationManager Delivers notifications of events across processes in a single desktop. This is used to keep the user interfaces in Visual Studio current regarding changes that are enacted locally, such as version control workspace manipulation.
Public class OAuthToken Provides a token that is used for OAuth delegation based authentication
Public class OAuthTokenContainer A container to encapsulate an OAuth access token and an OAuth refresh token (or authorization code)
Public class OAuthTokenCredential
Public class PcwException Thrown for an exception with the project creation wizard.
Public class PerfTraceListener Listens for performance traces.
Public class PluginInitializationFailedException Thrown when a plug-in failed to initialize.
Public class ProjectCreationContext Represents the methodology template configuration information that is used by plug-ins when executing methodology template tasks.
Public class ProjectCreationMacroResolver Resolves and replaces macros in ProjectCreationSupportedMacros.
Public class ProjectCreationSupportedMacros Contains macros that are supported by the project creation wizard.
Public class PropertyBag Represents an unordered collection of properties and their values.
Public class PropertyChangeEventArgs Arguments for a property change event.
Public class PropertyDoesNotExistException Thrown when a property does not exist.
Public class ProxyStatistics This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class ProxyStatisticsInfo This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class PublicDataKeys Contains the string constants for public data keys.
Public class ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> A read-only version of IDictionary<TKey, TValue>.
Public class RegisteredConfigurationServer Describes a registered configuration server.
Public class RegisteredProjectCollection Describes a registered project collection.
Public class RegisteredServers Obsolete. Manages the list of registered servers in the System registry.
Public class RegisteredTfsConnections Class that represents a registry of Team Foundation Server connections.
Public class SimpleWebToken Provides simple Web token that is used for OAuth authentication.
Public class SimpleWebTokenCredential Provides federated authentication with a hosted TfsConnection instance using simple Web tokens.
Public class TeamFoundationDateTimePicker This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class TeamFoundationServer Obsolete. Represents a connection to a server that is running Team Foundation Server.
Public class TeamFoundationServerFactory Obsolete. Class factory for TeamFoundationServer objects. This class is obsolete. Use TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory instead.
Public class TeamFoundationSoapProxy Obsolete. Provides the protocol for Team Foundation object communication by using SOAP.
Public class TeamFoundationTeam This is a wrapper class for a Team identity that makes it convenient for working with properties. It also provides helper methods to create, update, query and read Teams on server
Public class TeamProjectDeleter This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class TeamProjectDeleter.StatusEventArgs This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class TeamProjectPicker Provides a dialog to select a collection of TeamFoundation projects.
Public class TeamProjectWizardPage Represents a page in the project creation wizard.
Public class TeamPropertiesView Base abstract class for all team view objects. Team view objects follows facade pattern. In this regard team view objects provide easy way to access complex or domain specific properties that require additional insight on how they are stored in the team property bag and how they should be presented to the outside world. The view objects can consume other view objects, such as a view object that manages Agile experience specific team properties can use another view object that manages work item tracking related properties, that is which work item type in a project represents bug work items, for the team.
Public class TfsClientCacheUtility
Public class TfsClientCredentials Provides credentials to use when you connect to a Team Foundation Server.
Public class TfsClientCredentialStorage Token storage helper class that stores and retrieves authentication tokens for Team Foundation Server.
Public class TfsConfigurationServer Represents a connection to the server that is running Team Foundation Server.
Public class TfsConfigurationServerFactory Class factory for TfsConfigurationServerFactory objects.
Public class TfsConfigurationServerManager
Public class TfsConnection Represents the connection of the client to the server that is running Team Foundation Server.
Public class TfsConnectionWebServiceCallEventArgs The EventArgs object provided to event handlers for the WebServiceCallBegin and WebServiceCallEnd static events on TfsConnection.
Public class TfsTeamProjectCollection Abstracts common infrastructure for the Team Foundation system and is the parent class for Team Foundation components.
Public class TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory Class factory for TfsTeamProjectCollection objects.
Public class TfsTeamService
Public class TswaClientHyperlinkService A utility class used to generate Team Web Access hyperlinks.
Public class UICredentialsProvider Used to prompt for Windows credentials.
Public class ValidationFailedException Thrown when validation failed.
Public class WebServiceCall Class for a Web service call.
Public class WebServiceCallList A list of Web service calls.
Public class WebServiceStatList A list of Web service statistics.
Public class WebServiceStats Contains several properties to describe a Web service.
Public class WindowsCredential Provides a credential for windows authentication against a Team Foundation Server.
Public class WindowsToken


  Interface Description
Public interface IArtifactProvider Defines methods to retrieve an artifact and the generalized document form.
Public interface ICancelableAsyncResult Represents the state of a cancelable asynchronous operation.
Public interface IClientContext Describes the context for a command that is initiated by a client application.
Public interface IClientLinking Interface for client linking.
Public interface ICredentialsProvider Describes mechanisms for handling authentication failures for the Team Foundation components.
Public interface ILogger The interface for logging implementations. Logs events into a log file.
Public interface ILogHandler Handler for logging events.
Public interface IProjectComponentCreator Describes the methods that a project creation wizard plug-in must implement so that it will be invoked by the execution engine.
Public interface IProjectContext Obsolete. Describes the context for a Team Foundation connection.
Public interface IProjectCreation Provides the methods that allow for creating team projects from a batch specification file instead of from the project creation wizard.
Public interface IProjectCreationPlugin Interface for packages that provide tool handlers for project creation wizard.
Public interface IResultCollection<T> Describes the mechanisms for ResultCollections. ResultCollections are enumerable and disposable.
Public interface IRuntimeHost This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public interface ITeamFoundationContext This interface holds information about the context of the Team Explorer window.
Public interface ITeamFoundationContextManager Get this service to monitor changes to the current context associated with the Team Explorer window.
Public interface ITeamFoundationContextManager2 Get this service to monitor changes to the current context associated with the Team Explorer window. This implementation also allows full Setting of the context with all parameters.
Public interface ITeamProjectPickerDefaultSelectionProvider Interface to provide the default selection to the connection dialog.
Public interface ITemplateExporter Interface that provides the methods to export a methodology from the server to the client for viewing and editing.
Public interface ITemplateImporter Interface that provides the methods that are required to import a methodology file. After it is imported, the methodology can be selected in a project creation wizard.
Public interface ITemplateValidator Interface that provides the methods to validate a methodology before importing it.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ConnectivityFailureStatusChangedEventHandler The signature for event handlers for the ConnectivityFailureStatusChanged event on TfsConnection.
Public delegate CredentialsChangedEventHandler Handler for events thrown when credentials are changed.
Public delegate NotificationManager.GetNotificationParametersCallback Callback to allow the notification provider to customize the parameters based on the version of the window they are talking to.
Public delegate NotificationManager.NotificationHandler
Public delegate OAuthTokensReceivedCallback A consumer provided delegate on which to be notified when the underlying API has received a set of tokens (an Access Token and a Refresh Token) in exchange for an Authorization Code or a previous Refresh Token.
Public delegate ProjectCreationContext.PropertyChangeEventHandler Event handler for when a property changes.
Public delegate TeamProjectDeleter.StatusEventHandler This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public delegate TfsConnectionWebServiceCallEventHandler The signature for event handlers for the WebServiceCallBegin and WebServiceCallEnd static events on TfsConnection.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ActiveContextChange This enumeration is used to denote a type of context change. Each value can be combined as needed as this is a flags enum.
Public enumeration ActiveContextChangeReason This enumeration is used to denote the reason for a context change.
Public enumeration BorderPanel.Sides Represents the flags to indicate which sides of a panel are drawn as having a border.
Public enumeration FailureKind Describes the type of failure that occurred.
Public enumeration ImageScalingMode
Public enumeration InformationBar.IconType This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration LogCategory Describes the category of the message that is being written to a log.
Public enumeration LogFlags Describes the flags that can describe a message that is written to a log.
Public enumeration OAuthTokenType The type of OAuth token
Public enumeration RuntimeEnvironmentFlags Flags that describe the runtime environment.
Public enumeration ServerCapabilities
Public enumeration TeamProjectPickerMode Describes the current mode for the Team Project Picker dialog.