amvideo.h header
This header is used by DirectShow. For more information, see:
amvideo.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IDirectDrawVideo The IDirectDrawVideo interface queries the Video Renderer filter about DirectDraw surfaces and hardware capabilities.Applications can use this interface to control what DirectDraw features the Video Renderer will take advantage of. |
IFullScreenVideoEx The IFullScreenVideoEx interface is implemented on the Full Screen Renderer filter, which provides full-screen video rendering on older hardware. |
IQualProp The IQualProp interface provides methods for retrieving performance information from video renderers. |
BIT_MASKS_MATCH The BIT_MASKS_MATCH macro compares the color masks for two VIDEOINFO structures. |
BITMASKS The BITMASKS macro retrieves the color masks from a VIDEOINFO structure. |
COLORS The COLORS macro retrieves the palette entries from a VIDEOINFO structure. |
DIBSIZE The DIBSIZE macro calculates the number of bytes required by a device-independent bitmap (DIB). |
HEADER The HEADER macro returns the address of the BITMAPINFOHEADER within a VIDEOINFOHEADER. |
MPEG1_SEQUENCE_INFO The MPEG1_SEQUENCE_INFO macro returns the address of the sequence header inside an MPEG1VIDEOINFO structure. |
PALETTE_ENTRIES The PALETTE_ENTRIES macro retrieves the maximum number of colors in the palette of a specified bitmap. |
PALETTISED The PALETTISED macro checks whether a bitmap has a color depth of 8 bits or less. |
RESET_HEADER The RESET_HEADER macro fills a VIDEOINFOHEADER with zeroes. You can also use this macro to clear just the VIDEOINFOHEADER portion of a VIDEOINFO structure. |
RESET_MASKS The RESET_MASKS macro fills the color mask fields in a VIDEOINFO structure with zeroes. |
RESET_PALETTE The RESET_PALETTE macro fills the palette entries in a VIDEOINFO structure with zeroes. |
SIZE_MPEG1VIDEOINFO The SIZE_MPEG1VIDEOINFO macro calculates the size of an MPEG1VIDEOINFO structure, including the sequence header (bSequenceHeader). |
AM_FRAMESTEP_STEP Specifies the number of frames to step. |
ANALOGVIDEOINFO The ANALOGVIDEOINFO structure maintains information about the format of the analog video signal. |
MPEG1VIDEOINFO The MPEG1VIDEOINFO structure describes an MPEG-1 video stream. |
TRUECOLORINFO The TRUECOLORINFO structure contains color palette and bitmask information for a video image. |
VIDEOINFO The VIDEOINFO structure is equivalent to a VIDEOINFOHEADER structure, but it contains enough memory to hold three color masks plus a color table with 256 colors.If you are writing a video filter, you can use this structure to guarantee that the format block always has enough memory to contain the largest possible VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
VIDEOINFOHEADER The VIDEOINFOHEADER structure describes the bitmap and color information for a video image. |