Shell Developer's Guide
The Windows UI provides users with access to a wide variety of objects necessary to run applications and manage the operating system. The most numerous and familiar of these objects are the folders and files that reside on computer disk drives. There are also a number of virtual objects that allow the user to do tasks such as sending files to remote printers or accessing the Recycle Bin. The Shell organizes these objects into a hierarchical namespace, and provides users and applications with a consistent and efficient way to access and manage objects.
In this section
- Security Considerations: Microsoft Windows Shell
- Guidance for Implementing In-Process Extensions
- Shell and Common Controls Versions
- Implementing the Basic Folder Object Interfaces
- Implementing a Custom File Format
- Shell Extensibility (Creating a Data Source)
- Implementing Control Panel Items
- Supporting Shell Applications
- Legacy Shell Topics
Document Conventions
The Shell Developers's Guide follows the usual Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) document conventions. Two conventions in particular should be noted:
- Sample code omits normal error-correction code. This code has been removed only to make the code more readable. You should include all appropriate error-correction code in your own applications.
- To make sample registry entries clear, key, subkey, and entry names as well as values are displayed with a standard font. User or application-defined item names are italicized.