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Working with Comments


While processing instructions provide support for unstructured application-oriented information, comments provide a place for unstructured human-readable information. Comments do not have names, only content, and generally represent information that applications should ignore.

Comments are represented by IXMLDOMComment objects, which are created using the createComment method of DOMDocument. Comments can appear before, after, or within the root element.

Jscript Example

The following code creates a comment that says "catalog last updated 2000-11-01".

var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0");  
var dateComment=xmlDoc.createComment("catalog last updated 2000-11-01");  

VBScript Example

Set xmlDoc = CreateObject
Set dateComment=xmlDoc.createComment
("catalog last updated 2000-11-01")  

The contents of an IXMLDOMComment object are always stored in its nodeValue property.

For more information about properties and methods of IXMLDOMComment, see IXMLDOMComment.