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Set Up My Visual Basic Project


To call XML DOM APIs from a Visual Basic application, first make sure that MSXML is installed on your computer. See Get Ready to Work with MSXML for instructions on how to install MSXML.

Next, you need to create a Visual Basic project with a reference to MSXML. The following instructions describe this process.

To create a Visual Basic project

  1. Launch Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Open a New Project dialog box from the File menu, if necessary.

  2. Select the New tab from the New Project dialog box, and double click the Standard EXE icon.

  3. If you want to change the name of the project and/or forms, you can do so in the project's Properties window. Otherwise, use the default settings.

  4. Add a reference to MSXML 6.0 for Microsoft Office Applications. To do this, select References from the Project menu, then check the box for Microsoft XML, v60 and click OK.

  5. Save the project setting before adding code.

This empty Visual Basic project will serve as the starting point for each of the following demonstrations. First we'll look at how to instantiate an XML DOM object.