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Automation Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the Automation functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
BstrFromVector This function returns a BSTR, assigning each element of the vector to a character in the BSTR.
CreateErrorInfo This function creates an instance of a generic error object.
CreateTypeLib2 This function creates a type library in the file/in-memory format that makes use of memory-mapped files for 32-bit platforms.
DispGetIDsOfNames This function uses type information to convert a set of names to DISPIDs.
DispGetParam This function retrieves a parameter from the DISPPARAMS structure, checks both named parameters and positional parameters, and coerces the parameter to the specified type.
DispInvoke This function automatically calls member functions on an interface, given the type information for the interface.
FreePropVariantArray This function clears an array by calling PropVariantClear on each of the PROPVARIANT structures in an array.
GetErrorInfo This function obtains the error information pointer set by the previous call to SetErrorInfo in the current logical thread.
LoadRegTypeLib This function uses registry information to load a type library.
LoadTypeLib This function loads and registers a typelib2 type library.
PropVariantClear This function frees all elements that can be freed in a given PROPVARIANT structure.
PropVariantCopy This function copies the contents of one PROPVARIANT structure to another.
RegisterTypeLib This function adds information about a type library to the system registry.
SafeArrayAccessData This function increments the lock count of an array, and retrieves a pointer to the array data.
SafeArrayAllocData This function allocates memory for a safearray, based on a descriptor created with SafeArrayAllocDescriptor.
SafeArrayAllocDescriptor This function allocates memory for a safearray descriptor, allowing the creation of safearrays that contain elements with data types other than those provided by SafeArrayCreate.
SafeArrayCopy This function creates a copy of an existing safearray.
SafeArrayCopyData This function copies the source array to the target array after releasing any resources in the target array.
SafeArrayCreate This function creates a new array descriptor, allocates and initializes the data for the array, and returns a pointer to the new array descriptor.
SafeArrayCreateVector This function creates a one-dimensional array whose lower bound is always zero.
SafeArrayDestroy This function destroys an existing array descriptor and all of the data in the array.
SafeArrayDestroyData This function destroys all the data in a safearray.
SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor This function destroys a descriptor of a safearray.
SafeArrayGetDim This function returns the number of dimensions in the array.
SafeArrayGetElement This function retrieves a single element of the array.
SafeArrayGetElemsize This function retrieves the size (in bytes) of the elements of a safearray.
SafeArrayGetLBound This function returns the lower bound for any dimension of a safearray.
SafeArrayGetUBound This function returns the upper bound for any dimension of a safearray.
SafeArrayLock This function increments the lock count of an array, and places a pointer to the array data in pvData of the array descriptor.
SafeArrayPtrOfIndex This function returns a pointer to an array element.
SafeArrayPutElement This function assigns a single element to the array.
SafeArrayRedim This function changes the right most or least significant bound of a safearray.
SafeArrayUnaccessData This function decrements the lock count of an array, and invalidates the pointer retrieved by SafeArrayAccessData.
SafeArrayUnlock This function decrements the lock count of an array so it can be freed or resized.
SetErrorInfo This function sets the error information object for the current thread of execution.
SysAllocString This function allocates a new string and copies the passed string into it.
SysAllocStringByteLen This function takes an ANSI string as input, and returns a BSTR that contains an ANSI string.
SysAllocStringLen This function allocates a new string, copies cch characters from the passed string into it, and then appends a null character.
SysFreeString This function frees a string allocated previously by SysAllocString, SysAllocStringByteLen, SysReAllocString, SysAllocStringLen, or SysReAllocStringLen.
SysReAllocString This function allocates a new BSTR and copies the passed string into it, then frees the BSTR referenced by pbstr, and finally resets pbstr to point to the new BSTR.
SysReAllocStringLen This function creates a new BSTR that contains a specified number of characters from an old BSTR, and frees the old BSTR.
SysStringByteLen This function returns the length (in bytes) of a BSTR.
SysStringLen This function returns the length of a BSTR.
SystemTimeToVariantTime This function converts the variant representation of time to system-time values.
UnRegisterTypeLib This function removes type library information from the system registry.
VarBoolFromCy This function converts variant data types to BOOL from CURRENCY.
VarBoolFromDate This function converts variant data types to BOOL from DATE.
VarBoolFromDec This function converts variant data types to BOOL from DECIMAL.
VarBoolFromDisp This function converts variant data types to BOOL from IDispatch.
VarBoolFromI2 This function converts variant data types to BOOL from short.
VarBoolFromI4 This function converts variant data types to BOOL from long.
VarBoolFromR4 This function converts variant data types to BOOL from float.
VarBoolFromR8 This function converts variant data types to BOOL from double.
VarBoolFromStr This function converts variant data types to BOOL from OLECHAR.
VarBoolFromUI1 This function converts variant data types to BOOL from unsigned char.
VarBstrFromBool This function converts variant data types to BSTR from BOOL.
VarBstrFromCy This function converts variant data types to BSTR from CURRENCY.
VarBstrFromDate This function converts variant data types to BSTR from DATE.
VarBstrFromDec This function converts variant data types to BSTR from DECIMAL.
VarBstrFromDisp This function converts variant data types to BSTR from IDispatch.
VarBstrFromI2 This function converts variant data types to BSTR from short.
VarBstrFromI4 This function converts variant data types to BSTR from long.
VarBstrFromR4 This function converts variant data types to BSTR from float.
VarBstrFromR8 This function converts variant data types to BSTR from double.
VarBstrFromUI1 This function converts variant data types to BSTR from BYTE.
VarCyFromBool This function converts variant data types to CURRENCY from BOOL.
VarCyFromDate This function converts variant data types to CURRENCY from DATE.
VarCyFromDec This function converts variant data types to CURRENCY from DECIMAL.
VarCyFromDisp This function converts variant data types to CURRENCY from IDispatch.
VarCyFromI2 This function converts variant data types to CURRENCY from short.
VarCyFromI4 This function converts variant data types to CURRENCY from long.
VarCyFromR4 This function converts variant data types to CURRENCY from float.
VarCyFromR8 This function converts variant data types to CURRENCY from double.
VarCyFromStr This function converts variant data types to CURRENCY from OLECHAR.
VarCyFromUI1 This function converts variant data types to CURRENCY from BYTE.
VarDateFromBool This function converts variant data types to DATE from BOOL.
VarDateFromCy This function converts variant data types to date from CURRENCY.
VarDateFromDec This function converts variant data types to DATE from DECIMAL.
VarDateFromDisp This function converts variant data types to DATE from IDispatch.
VarDateFromI2 This function converts variant data types to DATE from short.
VarDateFromI4 This function converts variant data types to DATE from long.
VarDateFromR4 This function converts variant data types to DATE from float.
VarDateFromR8 This function converts variant data types to DATE from double.
VarDateFromStr This function converts variant data types to DATE from OLECHAR.
VarDateFromUdate This function packs a date.
VarDateFromUI1 This function converts variant data types to DATE from BYTE.
VarDecFromBool This function converts variant data types to DECIMAL from BOOL.
VarDecFromCy This function converts variant data types to DECIMAL from CURRENCY.
VarDecFromDate This function converts variant data types to DECIMAL from DATE.
VarDecFromDisp This function converts variant data types to DECIMAL from IDispatch.
VarDecFromI2 This function converts variant data types to DECIMAL from short.
VarDecFromI4 This function converts variant data types to DECIMAL from long.
VarDecFromR4 This function converts variant data types to DECIMAL from float.
VarDecFromR8 This function converts variant data types to DECIMAL from double.
VarDecFromStr This function converts variant data types to DECIMAL from OLECHAR.
VarDecFromUI1 This function converts variant data types to DECIMAL from BYTE.
VarI2FromBool This function converts variant data types to short from BOOL.
VarI2FromCy This function converts variant data types to short from CURRENCY.
VarI2FromDate This function converts variant data types to short from DATE.
VarI2FromDec This function converts variant data types to Short from DECIMAL.
VarI2FromDisp This function converts variant data types to short from IDispatch.
VarI2FromI4 This function converts variant data types to short from long.
VarI2FromR4 This function converts variant data types to short from float.
VarI2FromR8 This function converts variant data types to short from double.
VarI2FromStr This function converts variant data types to short from OLECHAR.
VarI2FromUI1 This function converts variant data types to short from BYTE.
VarI4FromBool This function converts variant data types to long from BOOL.
VarI4FromCy This function converts variant data types to long from CURRENCY.
VarI4FromDate This function converts variant data types to long from DATE.
VarI4FromDec This function converts variant data types to long from DECIMAL.
VarI4FromDisp This function converts variant data types to long from IDispatch.
VarI4FromI2 This function converts variant data types to long from short.
VarI4FromR4 This function converts variant data types to long from float.
VarI4FromR8 This function converts variant data types to long from double.
VarI4FromStr This function converts variant data types to long from OLECHAR.
VarI4FromUI1 This function converts variant data types to long from BYTE.
VariantChangeType This function converts a variant from one type to another.
VariantChangeTypeEx This function converts a variant from one type to another, using a LCID.
VariantClear This function clears a variant.
VariantCopy This function frees the destination variant and makes a copy of the source variant.
VariantCopyInd This function frees any existing content of the destination variant and makes a copy of the source VARIANTARG, performing the necessary indirection if the source is specified to be VT_BYREF.
VariantInit This function initializes a variant.
VariantTimeToSystemTime This function converts the variant representation of time to system time values.
VarNumFromParseNum This function converts the parsed number to a number of the VARIANT type.
VarParseNumFromStr This function parses a string and creates a type-independent description of the number it represents.
VarR4FromBool This function converts variant data types to float from BOOL.
VarR4FromCy This function converts variant data types to float from CURRENCY.
VarR4FromDate This function converts variant data types to float from DATE.
VarR4FromDec This function converts variant data types to float from DECIMAL.
VarR4FromDisp This function converts variant data types to float from IDispatch.
VarR4FromI2 This function converts variant data types to float from short.
VarR4FromI4 This function converts variant data types to float from long.
VarR4FromR8 This function converts variant data types to float from double.
VarR4FromStr This function converts variant data types to float from OLECHAR.
VarR4FromUI1 This function converts variant data types to float from BYTE.
VarR8FromBool This function converts variant data types to double from BOOL.
VarR8FromCy This function converts variant data types to double from CURRENCY.
VarR8FromDate This function converts variant data types to double from DATE.
VarR8FromDec This function converts variant data types to double from DECIMAL.
VarR8FromDisp This function converts variant data types to double from IDispatch.
VarR8FromI2 This function converts variant data types to double from short.
VarR8FromI4 This function converts variant data types to double from long.
VarR8FromR4 This function converts variant data types to double from float.
VarR8FromStr This function converts variant data types to double from OLECHAR.
VarR8FromUI1 This function converts variant data types to double from unsigned char.
VarUdateFromDate This function converts a time and date converted from variant format to MS-DOS format.
VarUI1FromBool This function converts variant data types to BYTE from BOOL.
VarUI1FromCy This function converts variant data types to BYTE from CURRENCY.
VarUI1FromDate This function converts variant data types to BYTE from DATE.
VarUI1FromDec This function converts variant data types to BYTE from DECIMAL.
VarUI1FromDisp This function converts variant data types to BYTE from IDispatch.
VarUI1FromI2 This function converts variant data types to BYTE from short.
VarUI1FromI4 This function converts variant data types to BYTE from long.
VarUI1FromR4 This function converts variant data types to BYTE from float.
VarUI1FromR8 This function converts variant data types to BYTE from double.
VarUI1FromStr This function converts variant data types to BYTE from BSTR.
VectorFromBstr This function returns a vector, assigning each character in the BSTR to an element of the vector.

See Also

Automation Reference

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