A video capture driver passes DD_DXAPI_GETKERNELCAPS in the dwFunctionNum parameter of the DxApi function to return the capabilities of this kernel-mode device.
Input Parameters
- lpvInBuffer
Pointer to the DirectDraw handle (HANDLE hDirectDraw;).
Output Parameters
- lpvOutBuffer
Pointer to a DDGETKERNELCAPSOUT structure that contains the capabilities of the specified DirectDraw object.
The DirectDraw handle in lpvInBuffer specifies the DirectDraw object for which to return the kernel-mode capabilities. The dwCaps member of DDGETKERNELCAPSOUT contains the DDKERNELCAPS_Xxx flags and the dwIRQCaps member contains the DDIRQ_Xxx flags. These flags are defined in ddkernel.h.
This function identifier can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL.
Header file: Ddkmapi.h (include Ddkmapi.h)