WDM Modem INF Entries for Windows 2000 and Later Operating Systems
The Windows Driver Modem (WDM) is the standard driver model on Windows 2000 and later operating systems. This topic describes INF file entries for WDM based modem drivers. For more general information about WDM, see Windows Driver Model.
Use standard INF file entries to install WDM modem drivers on Windows 2000 and later versions of the operating system. The examples in this section are based on installing a USB-based modem. For general information about INF files for modems, see Overview of Modem INF Files.
To support WDM modem device drivers on Windows 2000 and later versions
The model section should identify the hardware ID of the modem as demonstrated in the following example:
[Manufacturer] %Microsoft% = Microsoft [Microsoft] %Modem3% = Modem3, USB\VID_04C1&PID_0082
Specify the drivers to load as demonstrated in the following example:
[Modem3.NT.Services] AddService=usbser, 0x00000000, LowerFilter_Service_Inst [LowerFilter_Service_Inst] DisplayName=%USBFilterString% ServiceType= 1 StartType = 3 ErrorControl = 0 ServiceBinary = %12%\usbser.sys
Specify any files to copy using the CopyFiles directive, as demonstrated in the following example:
[Modem3.NT] DriverVer=5/13/1999 include=MDMGL007.INF,mdmgl004.inf,mdmgl001.inf CopyFiles=USBModemCopyFileSection AddReg = All,MfgAddReg,Modem2.AddReg, EXTERNAL [USBModemCopyFileSection] usbser.sys,,,0x20
Specify any additional registry entries as demonstrated in the following example:
[Modem3.NT.HW] AddReg=LowerFilterAddReg ;USB [LowerFilterAddReg] HKR,,"LowerFilters",0x00010000,"usbser"