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Gets the storage subsystem for Storage Spaces.


Get-SpacesSubsystem [ <CommonParameters>]

Description détaillée

The Get-SpacesSubsystem cmdlet gets the StorageSubsystem object for the Storage Spaces subsystem, which you can then use with cmdlets from the Storage module.

StorageSubsystem object is used as an input on some Storage Management cmdlets. This cmdlet differs from the Get-StorageSubSystem cmdlet in that it only reports the storage subsystem for Storage Spaces, as opposed to all available storage subsystems.



Cette applet de commande prend en charge les paramètres courants : -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer et -OutVariable. Pour plus d’informations, consultez about_CommonParameters (


Le type d’entrée correspond au type des objets que vous pouvez transmettre à l’applet de commande.

  • None


Le type de sortie est le type des objets émis par l’applet de commande.

  • Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#ROOT/Microsoft/Windows/Storage/MSFT_StorageSubSystem

    This cmdlet returns an object that represents the Storage Spaces storage subsystem.


  • This cmdlet is similar to the Get-StorageSubsystem cmdlet of the Storage module, except that instead of getting all storage subsystems, the Get-SpacesSubsystem cmdlet gets only the Storage Spaces storage subsystem object.


Example 1 – Get the StorageSubsystem object for Storage Spaces

This example gets the StorageSubsystem object for Storage.

PS C:\> Get-SpacesSubsystem