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AvatarBone Enumeration

Defines a list of the useful bones of the avatar model.

This is not a complete list of avatar bones; some values are not listed. Unlisted bone indices are special, and are used only when building an animation in an animation package.

Bone indices are sorted by depth value.

Dd940212.note(en-us,XNAGameStudio.41).gifWindows Specific Information
Avatar-related APIs are exposed on Windows to ease cross-platform development between Windows and the Xbox 360. All avatar-related methods return default values, and rendering methods do not draw anything to the screen.

Namespace: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices
Assembly: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Avatar (in microsoft.xna.framework.avatar.dll)


public enum AvatarBone


  Member name Value Description
AnkleLeft 11  Left ankle
AnkleRight 15  Right ankle
BackLower Lower back
BackUpper Upper back
CollarLeft 12  Left collar
CollarRight 16  Right collar
ElbowLeft 25  Left elbow
ElbowRight 28  Right elbow
FingerIndex2Left 51  Left index finger, 2nd joint
FingerIndex2Right 56  Right index finger, 2nd joint
FingerIndex3Left 61  Left index finger, 3rd joint
FingerIndex3Right 66  Right index finger, 3rd joint
FingerIndexLeft 37  Left index finger, 1st joint
FingerIndexRight 44  Right index finger, 1st joint
FingerMiddle2Left 52  Left middle finger, 2nd joint
FingerMiddle2Right 57  Right middle finger, 2nd joint
FingerMiddle3Left 62  Left middle finger, 3rd joint
FingerMiddle3Right 67  Right middle finger, 3rd joint
FingerMiddleLeft 38  Left middle finger, 1st joint
FingerMiddleRight 45  Right middle finger, 1st joint
FingerRing2Left 53  Left ring finger, 2nd joint
FingerRing2Right 58  Right ring finger, 2nd joint
FingerRing3Left 63  Left ring finger, 3rd joint
FingerRing3Right 68  Right ring finger, 3rd joint
FingerRingLeft 39  Left ring finger, 1st joint
FingerRingRight 46  Right ring finger, 1st joint
FingerSmall2Left 54  Left pinky finger, 2nd joint
FingerSmall2Right 59  Right pinky finger, 2nd joint
FingerSmall3Left 64  Left pinky finger, 3rd joint
FingerSmall3Right 69  Right pinky finger, 3rd joint
FingerSmallLeft 40  Left pinky finger, 1st joint
FingerSmallRight 47  Right pinky finger, 2nd joint
FingerThumb2Left 55  Left thumb, 2nd joint
FingerThumb2Right 60  Right thumb, 2nd joint
FingerThumb3Left 65  Left thumb, 3rd joint
FingerThumb3Right 70  Right thumb, 3rd joint
FingerThumbLeft 43  Left thumb, 1st joint
FingerThumbRight 50  Right thumb, 1st joint
Head 19  Head
HipLeft Left hip
HipRight Right hip
KneeLeft Left knee
Neck 14  Neck
PropLeft 41  A separate object held in the left hand.
PropRight 48  A separate object held in the right hand.
KneeRight Right knee
Root Root bone of the avatar skeleton
ShoulderLeft 20  Left shoulder
ShoulderRight 22  Right shoulder
SpecialLeft 42  A special bone located near the left hand of the avatar model.
SpecialRight 49  A special bone located near the right hand of the avatar model.
ToeLeft 21  Left toe
ToeRight 23  Right toe
WristLeft 33  Left wrist
WristRight 36  Right wrist

See Also


Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices Namespace


Xbox 360, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP