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What happens when I get a new student through TakeLessons?

We'll notify you right away, you have 48 hours to accept your student!


1. You will be notified by email when you receive a new student

Once a new TakeLessons student has booked lessons with you, we'll send you an email notification right away. Your notification email includes the deadline (expiration date/time) to accept your new student. 

If you have opted into mobile notifications for new students, you will also receive a text or push notification. Keep in mind that mobile notifications are suppressed between 8 pm and 9 am in your selected timezone. 

2. Log in to your account to check out the student's details

When you log in to your account, you'll notice that your new student announcement is the first thing you see. There will be a series of steps to complete before the student request is successfully fulfilled. Make sure to complete each section to ensure your new student is not Missed. 

To begin, click on the Student Details to view all of the information they provided during booking. 


If your student has requested a time slot for their lessons, you will have the opportunity to Accept the student with the existing schedule request.


Or, click Propose a new date & time to suggest a new one. 


3. Send your welcome email to seal the deal

Click Accept to send welcome email, and officially accept your new student. Congratulations! 


4. Give your student a call to introduce yourself 

After you have sent your Welcome Email you will see a confirmation message and the student will appear on your Roster


You have all of your student's contact info and your student is excited to hear from you!

Your new student is looking to you for answers to their questions about what they should bring to their first lesson, what to expect, where to park, and more.  Help your student have a smooth start to lessons by answering these questions over the phone, up front.




Accept your student quickly

Did you know? You can accept students even if you need to make changes to their requested schedule! If you'd like to keep the student but need to change the schedule, we recommend clicking Accept Student and sending your welcome email right away instead of waiting until you have all the details of the schedule worked out. It's in everyone's best interest for you to establish a connection with your new student as soon as possible by sending them a welcome email. If you still need to work out schedule changes, we encourage you to give your student a call after you've sent them their welcome email so you can work out the details.

Add some pizzazz to your welcome email

Customize the welcome email you send your TakeLessons students! Add a few words of encouragement or helpful notes about parking or materials. Make your student feel at ease.

Give your student a friendly phone call

Your student will most likely have some major jitters before lessons start, so do yourself a favor and break the ice with a quick phone call. After you've sent your welcome email, we encourage all teachers to reach out to their students over the phone at least 24 hours before lessons are set to start.  Students want to hear from you right away so they can start getting to know you and increase their confidence in you as a teacher. Teachers who speak on the phone with their students before lessons start generally have a better lesson experience with their students overall.

Learn More

How do I decline a new student?

How long do I have to accept a new TakeLessons student?

Can I decide which Students to accept?

What should I do if I can't accommodate my new student’s first lesson?

How do I enable text notifications?