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How much should I charge for lessons?


Be fair, be competitive, and earn what you want

Pricing is entirely up to you!  You may want to check out how much other teachers in your area are charging for lessons if you're trying to get an idea for where to start. You have complete control of pricing your lessons based on lesson location and duration. You can set up as many teaching locations and lesson durations as you need through the Profile page in your account and open the Subjects tab. From there, you'll be able to set and adjust all of your lesson prices. 

Research the average lesson price in your city

If you're not sure what prices to set, you can ask local studios/schools or search online to get an idea. Please note that if you set your prices lower than the average, the possibility of getting new students may fluctuate, since students often associate price with quality. If you set your prices slightly higher than the average it may increase the possibility of being assigned more committed students. Remember, a small portion of the lesson price you set will be absorbed by TakeLessons to cover administrative and marketing costs for your profile and account. Minimum lesson price is $15 per lesson.