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0x1C6 de vérification des bogues : FAST_ERESOURCE_PRECONDITION_VIOLATION

Le case activée de bogue FAST_ERESOURCE_PRECONDITION_VIOLATION a une valeur de 0x000001C6. Cela indique qu’un thread actuel effectue un appel non valide à une routine de ressources rapide.


Cet article s’adresse aux programmeurs. Si vous êtes un client qui a reçu un code d’erreur d’écran bleu lors de l’utilisation de votre ordinateur, consultez Résoudre les erreurs d’écran bleu.


Paramètre Description
1 Type de violation. Consultez les valeurs ci-dessous.
2 Consultez les valeurs ci-dessous.
3 Consultez les valeurs ci-dessous.
4 Consultez les valeurs ci-dessous.

Type de violation

            0x0 : The Irql of the caller was greater than the maximum allowed
                  Irql for the routine.
                2 - Irql of the caller.
                3 - Maximum allowed Irql of the routine.
            0x1 : The caller specified an invalid (i.e. uninitialized) owner
                2 - Pointer to the owner entry.
            0x2 : The caller specified an owner entry that was already
                  associated with a lock acquisition.
                2 - Pointer to the owner entry.
                3 - Pointer to the resource to which the owner entry is already
            0x3 : The caller passed a legacy resource to a fast resource
                2 - Pointer to the resource.
            0x4 : The caller specified a resource that has outstanding lock
                2 - Pointer to the resource.
            0x5 : The caller was executing inside of a DPC.
            0x6 : The caller was executing inside of a Special Kernel APC.
            0x7 : The caller did not ensure Normal Kernel APCs were disabled.
            0x8 : The caller specified an owner entry that was not associated
                  with a lock acquisition of the specified resource.
                2 - Pointer to the resource specified.
                3 - Pointer to the owner entry.
                4 - Pointer to the resource with which the owner entry is
            0x9 : The caller specified an owner entry that was not associated
                  with the calling thread.
                2 - Pointer to the owner entry.
                3 - Pointer to the thread with which the owner entry is
            0xa : The caller specified an owner entry which has been disowned.
                2 - Pointer to the owner entry.
            0xb : The caller specified an owner entry with a different
                  acquisition type than the caller indicated.
                2 - Pointer to the owner entry.
                3 - High-16 bits indicate the acquisition type of the owner
                    entry. Bottom-16 bits indicate the acquisition type
                    specified. 1 = Shared, 0 = Exclusive.
            0xc : The caller specified an owner entry that was not associated
                  with a lock acquisition of the specified resource.
                2 - Pointer to the resource specified.
                3 - Pointer to the owner entry.
                4 - Pointer to the resource with which the owner entry is
            0xd : The caller specified an owner entry that has not been
                2 - Pointer to the owner entry.
            0xe : The caller passed a fast resource to a legacy routine that
                  does not support fast resources.
                2 - Pointer to the resource.
            0xf : The caller passed a fast resource to a legacy routine that
                  supports fast resources, but the fast resource was not
                  initialized with EX_FAST_RESOURCE_ENABLE_LEGACY_APIS.
                2 - Pointer to the resource.
            0x10 : The caller passed invalid flags to ExInitializeFastResource.
                2 - Pointer to the resource specified.
                3 - The flags specified.
            0x11 : The caller passed a thread other than the current thread to
                2 - Pointer to the resource specified.
                3 - The thread specified.
            0x12 : The caller attempted to disown a resource that had been
                   recursively acquired exclusive by the current thread.
                2 - Pointer to the resource specified.
            0x13 : The caller attempted to convert a resource acquisition while
                   the calling thread had outstanding recursive acquisitions of
                   the resource.
                2 - Pointer to the resource specified.
            0x14 : A thread exited with outstanding lock acquisitions.
                2 - The thread.
                3 - Pointer to one of the outstanding owner entries.
            0x15 : A thread exited with outstanding disowned lock acquisitions.
                2 - The thread.
                3 - Pointer to one of the outstanding owner entries.
            0x16 : A call to ExConvertExclusiveToSharedLite was made by a thread
                   that did not hold the specified resource exclusive.
                2 - Pointer to the resource.
                3 - Pointer to the thread.


Le thread actuel effectue un appel non valide à une routine de ressources rapide.


L’extension de débogage !analyze affiche des informations sur le bogue case activée et peut être utile pour déterminer la cause racine.

Voir aussi

Référence du Code de vérification de bogue