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Accéder au pointeur opaque dans une destination

L’exemple de code suivant montre comment accéder au pointeur opaque dans une destination.

// Opaque Info Blob Defn

typedef struct _OPAQUE_INFO
    ULONG  Info1;
    ULONG  Info2;

PVOID        OpaqueInfoSlotPointer;  // Pointer to the opaque pointer slot
PVOID        OpaqueInfoSlotInfo;     // Information in the opaque pointer slot
POPAQUE_INFO OpaqueInfoPtr;          // Pointer to opaque information
DWORD Status;

// Lock the destination in exclusive mode to sync opaque pointer access
// If you know that you will only be reading the opaque pointer
// and not modifying it, then you can use a shared lock

Status = RtmLockDestination(RtmRegHandle, DestHandle, TRUE, TRUE);

if (Status != NO_ERROR)
   return Status;

// You can get a pointer to your opaque pointer slot,
// assuming that you have reserved one during registration.

Status = RtmGetOpaqueInformationPointer(RtmRegHandle,
if (Status == NO_ERROR)
    OpaqueInfoSlotInfo = * (PVOID *) OpaqueInfoSlotPointer;

    if (OpaqueInfoSlotInfo == NULL)
        // No information set yet - create private information BLOB (if required)
        OpaqueInfoPtr = (POPAQUE_INFO) malloc(OpaqueInfoSize);

        if (OpaqueInfoPtr)
            // Set certain information in the opaque information BLOB
            OpaqueInfoPtr->Info1 = 1;
            OpaqueInfoPtr->Info2 = 2;

            * (PVOID *) OpaqueInfoSlotPointer = OpaqueInfoPtr;
            // Already exists; do something with the opaque information
            OpaqueInfoPtr = (POPAQUE_INFO) OpaqueInfoSlotInfo;

            // Set certain information in the opaque information BLOB
            OpaqueInfoPtr->Info1 = 3;
            OpaqueInfoPtr->Info2 = 4;       

// Unlock destination from exclusive mode that we locked earlier
Status = RtmLockDestination(RtmRegHandle, DestHandle, TRUE, FALSE);