Configurer Windows Server après son installation - Training
Configurer Windows Server après son installation
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Un programme de configuration de service utilise les fonctions ChangeServiceConfig et ChangeServiceConfig2 pour modifier les paramètres de configuration d’un service installé. Le programme ouvre un handle pour l’objet de service, modifie sa configuration, puis ferme le handle de l’objet de service.
Dans l’exemple suivant, la fonction DoDisableSvc utilise ChangeServiceConfig pour modifier le type de démarrage du service sur « Désactivé », la fonction DoEnableSvc utilise ChangeServiceConfig pour remplacer le type de démarrage du service sur « Enabled », et la fonction DoUpdateSvcDesc utilise ChangeServiceConfig2 pour définir la description du service sur « Il s’agit d’une description de test ». La variable szSvcName est une variable globale qui contient le nom du service. Pour obtenir l’exemple complet qui définit cette variable, consultez SvcConfig.cpp.
// Purpose:
// Disables the service.
// Parameters:
// None
// Return value:
// None
VOID __stdcall DoDisableSvc()
SC_HANDLE schSCManager;
SC_HANDLE schService;
// Get a handle to the SCM database.
schSCManager = OpenSCManager(
NULL, // local computer
NULL, // ServicesActive database
SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); // full access rights
if (NULL == schSCManager)
printf("OpenSCManager failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
// Get a handle to the service.
schService = OpenService(
schSCManager, // SCM database
szSvcName, // name of service
SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG); // need change config access
if (schService == NULL)
printf("OpenService failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
// Change the service start type.
if (! ChangeServiceConfig(
schService, // handle of service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // service type: no change
SERVICE_DISABLED, // service start type
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // error control: no change
NULL, // binary path: no change
NULL, // load order group: no change
NULL, // tag ID: no change
NULL, // dependencies: no change
NULL, // account name: no change
NULL, // password: no change
NULL) ) // display name: no change
printf("ChangeServiceConfig failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
else printf("Service disabled successfully.\n");
// Purpose:
// Enables the service.
// Parameters:
// None
// Return value:
// None
VOID __stdcall DoEnableSvc()
SC_HANDLE schSCManager;
SC_HANDLE schService;
// Get a handle to the SCM database.
schSCManager = OpenSCManager(
NULL, // local computer
NULL, // ServicesActive database
SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); // full access rights
if (NULL == schSCManager)
printf("OpenSCManager failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
// Get a handle to the service.
schService = OpenService(
schSCManager, // SCM database
szSvcName, // name of service
SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG); // need change config access
if (schService == NULL)
printf("OpenService failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
// Change the service start type.
if (! ChangeServiceConfig(
schService, // handle of service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // service type: no change
SERVICE_DEMAND_START, // service start type
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // error control: no change
NULL, // binary path: no change
NULL, // load order group: no change
NULL, // tag ID: no change
NULL, // dependencies: no change
NULL, // account name: no change
NULL, // password: no change
NULL) ) // display name: no change
printf("ChangeServiceConfig failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
else printf("Service enabled successfully.\n");
// Purpose:
// Updates the service description to "This is a test description".
// Parameters:
// None
// Return value:
// None
VOID __stdcall DoUpdateSvcDesc()
SC_HANDLE schSCManager;
SC_HANDLE schService;
LPTSTR szDesc = TEXT("This is a test description");
// Get a handle to the SCM database.
schSCManager = OpenSCManager(
NULL, // local computer
NULL, // ServicesActive database
SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); // full access rights
if (NULL == schSCManager)
printf("OpenSCManager failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
// Get a handle to the service.
schService = OpenService(
schSCManager, // SCM database
szSvcName, // name of service
SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG); // need change config access
if (schService == NULL)
printf("OpenService failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
// Change the service description.
sd.lpDescription = szDesc;
if( !ChangeServiceConfig2(
schService, // handle to service
SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, // change: description
&sd) ) // new description
printf("ChangeServiceConfig2 failed\n");
else printf("Service description updated successfully.\n");
Configurer Windows Server après son installation - Training
Configurer Windows Server après son installation