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Remplissage des conditions de filtre

L’exemple de code suivant montre comment remplir les conditions de filtre utilisées par une application serveur pour rechercher les filtres et les événements qui l’affectent.


Ces conditions sont les mêmes que celles prises en charge par l’API IsPortAllowed de niveau inférieur.


DWORD InitFilterConditions(
         __in_opt PCWSTR appPath,
         __in_opt const SOCKADDR* localAddr,
         __in_opt UINT8 ipProtocol,
         __in UINT32 numCondsIn,
         __out_ecount_part(numCondsIn, *numCondsOut)
            FWPM_FILTER_CONDITION0* conds,
         __out UINT32* numCondsOut,
         __deref_out FWP_BYTE_BLOB** appId
   DWORD result = NO_ERROR;
   UINT32 numConds = 0;
   UINT16 port;
   void* addr;

   *numCondsOut = 0;

   if (localAddr != NULL)
      port = INETADDR_PORT(localAddr);
      if (port != 0)
         if (numConds >= numCondsIn)
            result = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
            goto CLEANUP;

         conds[numConds].fieldKey = FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_PORT;
         conds[numConds].matchType = FWP_MATCH_EQUAL;
         conds[numConds].conditionValue.type = FWP_UINT16;
         // The SOCKADDR struct has the port in network order, but the
         // filtering engine expects it in host order.
         conds[numConds].conditionValue.uint16 = ntohs(port);

      if (!INETADDR_ISANY(localAddr))
         if (numConds > numCondsIn)
            result = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
            goto CLEANUP;

         addr = INETADDR_ADDRESS(localAddr);

         conds[numConds].fieldKey = FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_ADDRESS;
         conds[numConds].matchType = FWP_MATCH_EQUAL;

         if (localAddr->sa_family == AF_INET)
            conds[numConds].conditionValue.type = FWP_UINT32;
            // The SOCKADDR struct has the port in network order, but the
            // filtering engine expects it in host order.
            conds[numConds].conditionValue.uint32 = ntohl(*(ULONG*)addr);
            conds[numConds].conditionValue.type = FWP_BYTE_ARRAY16_TYPE;
            conds[numConds].conditionValue.byteArray16 =


   if (ipProtocol != 0)
      if (numConds >= numCondsIn)
         goto CLEANUP;

      conds[numConds].fieldKey = FWPM_CONDITION_IP_PROTOCOL;
      conds[numConds].matchType = FWP_MATCH_EQUAL;
      conds[numConds].conditionValue.type = FWP_UINT8;
      conds[numConds].conditionValue.uint8 = ipProtocol;

   if (appPath != NULL)
      if (numConds >= numCondsIn)
         goto CLEANUP;

      // appPath must be a fully-qualified file name, and the file must
      // exist on the local machine.
      result = FwpmGetAppIdFromFileName0(appPath, appId);

      conds[numConds].fieldKey = FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_APP_ID;
      conds[numConds].matchType = FWP_MATCH_EQUAL;
      conds[numConds].conditionValue.type = FWP_BYTE_BLOB_TYPE;
      conds[numConds].conditionValue.byteBlob = *appId;

   *numCondsOut = numConds;

   return result;