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SHV Module


La plateforme protection de l’accès réseau n’est pas disponible à partir de Windows 10


Configure un module de validateur d’intégrité système (SHV), y compris l’inscription et la désinscription auprès du système NAP.


Le Kit de développement logiciel (SDK) NAP contient également un ensemble complet d’exemples de code qui se trouve dans ...\Samples\NetDS\NAP... répertoire de l’installation de votre KIT de développement logiciel (SDK). Cet exemple d’ensemble comprend un agent d’intégrité système (SHA), SHV et un client d’application (EC). Il dispose de scénarios NAP complets qui configurent la communication entre SHA-SHV et SHA-EC.


#include <windows.h>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "NapUtil.h"

static const wchar_t friendlyName[] = L"SDK SHV Sample";
static const wchar_t version[] = L"";
static const wchar_t description[] = L"System Health Validator(SHV)";
static const wchar_t vendor[] = L"Microsoft";

/// Registers the SDK SHV with the NAP Server.
HRESULT RegisterSdkShv()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    CComPtr<INapServerManagement> pSHVMgmt = NULL;
    NapComponentRegistrationInfo shvInfo;
    ZeroMemory (&shvInfo, sizeof(shvInfo));

    hr = pSHVMgmt.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NapServerManagement, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
    hr = FillShvComponentRegistrationInfo(&shvInfo);
    hr = pSHVMgmt->RegisterSystemHealthValidator(&shvInfo, (CLSID *)&__uuidof(CSampleShv));
    return hr;

/// Unregisters the SDK SHV with the NAP Server.
HRESULT UnregisterSdkShv()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    CComPtr<INapServerManagement> pSHVMgmt = NULL;

    hr = pSHVMgmt.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NapServerManagement, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
    hr = pSHVMgmt->UnregisterSystemHealthValidator(QuarSampleSystemHealthId);
    return hr;

/// Fill the NapComponentRegistrationInfo structure that needs to be passed during registration.
HRESULT FillShvComponentRegistrationInfo (NapComponentRegistrationInfo *shvInfo)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    shvInfo->id = QuarSampleSystemHealthId;

    //<Temporarily till implement the Info Class>
    shvInfo->infoClsid = GUID_NULL; 

    hr = ConstructCountedString(friendlyName, sizeof(friendlyName), &(shvInfo->friendlyName));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(description, sizeof(description), &(shvInfo->description));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(version, sizeof(version), &(shvInfo->version));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(vendor, sizeof(vendor), &(shvInfo->vendorName));
    return hr;

// Helper Function for FillShvComponentRegistrationInfo.
HRESULT ConstructCountedString(const WCHAR* src, UINT16 len, CountedString* dest)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    hr = AllocateMemory(dest->string, ((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)));
    dest->length = len;
    retCode = StringCchCopy(dest->string, len+1, src);
    return hr;

// Helper Function for releasing ShaComponentRegistrationInfo members
void FreeComponentRegistration(NapComponentRegistrationInfo *shvInfo)