Créer un exemple de clé de contenu

La clé de contenu est utilisée pour chiffrer des exemples multimédias pour l’importation DE DRM Windows Media. L’exemple de code suivant montre comment créer et initialiser une structure de clé de contenu.

HRESULT CreateContentKey( WMDRM_IMPORT_CONTENT_KEY **ppContentKey, DWORD *pcbContentKey)
    // TODO: Set this value to the desired number of bytes for the content key data. 
    const DWORD IV_DATA_SIZE = 16;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // The content key.
    const BYTE rgbContentKey[] = {
        0x67, 0x39, 0x83, 0xb9,
        0x52, 0xa8, 0xe3
    const DWORD CONTENT_KEY_DATA_SIZE = sizeof(rgbContentKey);

    // Compute the total size of the content key structure
    DWORD cbContentKey = sizeof( WMDRM_IMPORT_CONTENT_KEY ) +

    // Make sure we have a valid 
    if( NULL == ppContentKey )
        hr = E_POINTER;
        goto EXIT;

    // Allocate the content key, locally first
    pContentKey = (WMDRM_IMPORT_CONTENT_KEY *)new BYTE[ cbContentKey ];
    // Check the allocation was successful 
    if( NULL == pContentKey )
        hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        goto EXIT;

    // Ininitalize the key
    ZeroMemory( pContentKey, cbContentKey );
    pContentKey->dwVersion = 0;
    pContentKey->cbStructSize = cbContentKey;

    // Set the initialization vector key type 
    pContentKey->dwIVKeyType = WMDRM_KEYTYPE_RC4;
    pContentKey->cbIVKey = IV_DATA_SIZE;
    // Generate a random initialization vector. Note that this random number
    //  generator is not very good. It is only intended to be demonstrative
    //  and it is not recommended for use in commercial strength code.
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
    BYTE* pKeyData = pContentKey->rgbKeyData;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < IV_DATA_SIZE; ++i)
        *pKeyData++ = (BYTE)(rand() & 0xFF); 
    // Set the content key type.
    pContentKey->dwContentKeyType = WMDRM_KEYTYPE_COCKTAIL;
    pContentKey->cbContentKey = CONTENT_KEY_DATA_SIZE;

    // Fill out the content key. 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < CONTENT_KEY_DATA_SIZE; ++i)
        *pKeyData++ = rgbContentKey[i]; 

    // If all has been successful, set the parameters
    *ppContentKey = pContentKey;
    pContentKey = NULL;
    *pcbContentKey = cbContentKey;

    SAFE_ARRAY_DELETE( pContentKey );
    return hr;

Exemples d’importation DRM