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Get cached responses of Azure OpenAI API requests

APPLIES TO: All API Management tiers

Use the azure-openai-semantic-cache-lookup policy to perform cache lookup of responses to Azure OpenAI Chat Completion API and Completion API requests from a configured external cache, based on vector proximity of the prompt to previous requests and a specified similarity score threshold. Response caching reduces bandwidth and processing requirements imposed on the backend Azure OpenAI API and lowers latency perceived by API consumers.



Set the policy's elements and child elements in the order provided in the policy statement. Learn more about how to set or edit API Management policies.

Supported Azure OpenAI Service models

The policy is used with APIs added to API Management from the Azure OpenAI Service of the following types:

API type Supported models
Chat completion gpt-3.5

Completion gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct
Embeddings text-embedding-3-large



For more information, see Azure OpenAI Service models.

Policy statement

    score-threshold="similarity score threshold"
    embeddings-backend-id ="backend entity ID for embeddings API"
    embeddings-backend-auth ="system-assigned"             
    ignore-system-messages="true | false"      
    max-message-count="count" >
    <vary-by>"expression to partition caching"</vary-by>


Attribute Description Required Default
score-threshold Similarity score threshold used to determine whether to return a cached response to a prompt. Value is a decimal between 0.0 and 1.0. Learn more. Yes N/A
embeddings-backend-id Backend ID for OpenAI embeddings API call. Yes N/A
embeddings-backend-auth Authentication used for Azure OpenAI embeddings API backend. Yes. Must be set to system-assigned. N/A
ignore-system-messages Boolean. If set to true, removes system messages from a GPT chat completion prompt before assessing cache similarity. No false
max-message-count If specified, number of remaining dialog messages after which caching is skipped. No N/A


Name Description Required
vary-by A custom expression determined at runtime whose value partitions caching. If multiple vary-by elements are added, values are concatenated to create a unique combination. No


Usage notes

  • This policy can only be used once in a policy section.


Example with corresponding azure-openai-semantic-cache-store policy

        <base />
            embeddings-backend-id ="azure-openai-backend"
            embeddings-backend-auth ="system-assigned" >
        <azure-openai-semantic-cache-store duration="60" />
        <base />

For more information about working with policies, see: