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Reference: Self-hosted gateway Azure Arc configuration settings

APPLIES TO: Developer | Premium

This article provides a reference for required and optional settings that are used to configure the Azure Arc extension for API Management self-hosted gateway container.


API Management self-hosted gateway on Azure Arc is currently in preview. During preview, the API Management gateway extension is available in the following regions:

  • Asia (East, Southeast)
  • Australia (Central, Central 2, East & Southeast)
  • Brazil (South & Southeast)
  • Canada (Central, East)
  • Europe (North, West)
  • France (Central & South)
  • Germany (North & West Central)
  • India (Central, South, West, Jio central & Jio West)
  • Japan (East & West)
  • Korea (Central & South)
  • Norway (East & West)
  • South Africa (North & West)
  • Sweden (Central)
  • Switzerland (North & West)
  • United Arab Emirates (UAE - Central & North)
  • United Kingdom (UK -South)
  • United States (US - Central, Central EUAP, East, East 2, East 2 EUAP, North Central, South Central, West Central, West, West 2, West 3)

Configuration API integration

The Configuration API is used by the self-hosted gateway to connect to Azure API Management to get the latest configuration and send metrics, when enabled.

Here's an overview of all configuration options:

Name Description Required Default
gateway.configuration.uri Configuration endpoint in Azure API Management for the self-hosted gateway. Find this value in the Azure portal under Gateways > Deployment. Yes N/A
gateway.auth.token Authentication key to authenticate with to Azure API Management service. Typically starts with GatewayKey. Yes N/A
gateway.configuration.backup.enabled If enabled will store a backup copy of the latest downloaded configuration on a storage volume false
gateway.configuration.backup.persistentVolumeClaim.accessMode Access mode for the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) pod ReadWriteMany
gateway.configuration.backup.persistentVolumeClaim.size Size of the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) to be created 50Mi
gateway.configuration.backup.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName Storage class name to be used for the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC). When no value is assigned (null), the platform default will be used. The specified storage class should support ReadWriteMany access mode, learn more about the supported volume providers and their supported access modes. null

Cross-instance discovery & synchronization

Name Description Required Default
service.instance.heartbeat.port UDP port used for instances of a self-hosted gateway deployment to send heartbeats to other instances. No 4291
service.instance.synchronization.port UDP port used for self-hosted gateway instances to synchronize rate limiting across multiple instances. No 4290


Name Description Required Default Indication whether or not to enable emitting metrics to Azure Monitor. No true
telemetry.metrics.local Enable local metrics collection through StatsD. Value is one of the following options: none, statsd. No N/A
telemetry.metrics.localStatsd.endpoint StatsD endpoint. Yes, if telemetry.metrics.local is set to statsd; otherwise no. N/A
telemetry.metrics.localStatsd.sampling StatsD metrics sampling rate. Value must be between 0 and 1, for example, 0.5. No N/A
telemetry.metrics.localStatsd.tagFormat StatsD exporter tagging format. Value is one of the following options: ibrato, dogStatsD, influxDB. No N/A
telemetry.metrics.opentelemetry.enabled Indication whether or not to enable emitting metrics to an OpenTelemetry collector on Kubernetes. No false
telemetry.metrics.opentelemetry.collector.uri URI of the OpenTelemetry collector to send metrics to. Yes, if observability.opentelemetry.enabled is set to true; otherwise no. N/A


Name Description Required Default
telemetry.logs.std Enable logging to a standard stream. Value is one of the following options: none, text, json. No text
telemetry.logs.local Enable local logging. Value is one of the following options: none, auto, localsyslog, rfc5424, journal, json No auto
telemetry.logs.localConfig.localsyslog.endpoint Endpoint for local syslogs Yes if telemetry.logs.local is set to localsyslog; otherwise no. N/A
telemetry.logs.localConfig.localsyslog.facility Specifies local syslog facility code, for example, 7. No N/A
telemetry.logs.localConfig.rfc5424.endpoint rfc5424 endpoint. Yes if telemetry.logs.local is set to rfc5424; otherwise no. N/A
telemetry.logs.localConfig.rfc5424.facility Facility code per rfc5424, for example, 7 No N/A
telemetry.logs.localConfig.journal.endpoint Journal endpoint. Yes if telemetry.logs.local is set to journal; otherwise no. N/A

Traffic routing

Name Description Required Default
service.type Type of Kubernetes service to use for exposing the gateway. (docs) No ClusterIP
service.http.port Port to use for exposing HTTP traffic. No 8080
service.http.nodePort Port on the node to use for exposing HTTP traffic. This requires NodePort as service type. No N/A
service.https.port Port to use for exposing HTTPS traffic. No 8081
service.https.nodePort Port on the node to use for exposing HTTPS traffic. This requires NodePort as service type. No N/A
service.annotations Annotations to add to the Kubernetes service for the gateway. No N/A
ingress.annotations Annotations to add to the Kubernetes Ingress for the gateway. (experimental) No N/A
ingress.enabled Indication whether or not Kubernetes Ingress should be used. (experimental) No false
ingress.tls TLS configuration for Kubernetes Ingress. (experimental) No N/A
ingress.hosts Configuration of hosts to use for Kubernetes Ingress. (experimental) No N/A


The self-hosted gateway integrates with various other technologies. This section provides an overview of the available configuration options you can use.


Name Description Required Default
dapr.enabled Indication whether or not Dapr integration should be used. No false Application ID to use for Dapr integration None
dapr.config Defines which Configuration CRD Dapr should use tracing
dapr.logging.level Level of log verbosity of Dapr sidecar info
dapr.logging.useJsonOutput Indication whether or not logging should be in JSON format true

Azure Monitor

Name Description Required Default
monitoring.customResourceId Resource ID of the Azure Log Analytics workspace to send logs to. No N/A
monitoring.ingestionKey Ingestion key to authenticate with Azure Log Analytics workspace to send logs to. No N/A
monitoring.workspaceId Workspace ID of the Azure Log Analytics workspace to send logs to. No N/A

Image & workload scheduling

Kubernetes is a powerful orchestration platform that gives much flexibility in what should be deployed and how it should be scheduled.

This section provides an overview of the available configuration options you can use to influence the image that is used, how it gets scheduled and configured to self-heal.

Name Description Required Default
replicaCount Number of instances of the self-hosted gateway to run. No 3
image.repository Image to run. No
image.pullPolicy Policy to use for pulling container images. No IfNotPresent
image.tag Container image tag to use. No App version of extension is used
imagePullSecrets Kubernetes secret to use for authenticating with container registry when pulling the container image. No N/A
probes.readiness.httpGet.path URI path to use for readiness probes of the container No /status-0123456789abcdef
probes.readiness.httpGet.port Port to use for liveness probes of the container No http
probes.liveness.httpGet.path URI path to use for liveness probes of the container No /status-0123456789abcdef
probes.liveness.httpGet.port Port to use for liveness probes of the container No http
highAvailability.enabled Indication whether or not the gateway should be scheduled highly available in the cluster. No false
highAvailability.disruption.maximumUnavailable Amount of pods that are allowed to be unavailable due to voluntary disruptions. No 25%
highAvailability.podTopologySpread.whenUnsatisfiable Indication how pods should be spread across nodes in case the requirement can't be met. Learn more in the Kubernetes docs No ScheduleAnyway
resources Capability to define CPU/Memory resources to assign to gateway No N/A
nodeSelector Capability to use selectors to identify the node on which the gateway should run. No N/A
affinity Affinity for pod scheduling (docs) No N/A
tolerations Tolerations for pod scheduling (docs) No N/A

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