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Validate Microsoft Entra token

APPLIES TO: All API Management tiers

The validate-azure-ad-token policy enforces the existence and validity of a JSON web token (JWT) that was provided by the Microsoft Entra (formerly called Azure Active Directory) service for a specified set of principals in the directory. The JWT can be extracted from a specified HTTP header, query parameter, or value provided using a policy expression or context variable.


To validate a JWT that was provided by an identity provider other than Microsoft Entra, API Management also provides the generic validate-jwt policy.


Set the policy's elements and child elements in the order provided in the policy statement. Learn more about how to set or edit API Management policies.

Policy statement

    tenant-id="tenant ID or URL (for example, "") of the Microsoft Entra ID tenant"
    header-name="name of HTTP header containing the token (alternatively, use query-parameter-name or token-value attribute to specify token)"
    query-parameter-name="name of query parameter used to pass the token (alternative, use header-name or token-value attribute to specify token)"
    token-value="expression returning the token as a string (alternatively, use header-name or query-parameter attribute to specify token)"
    failed-validation-httpcode="HTTP status code to return on failure"
    failed-validation-error-message="error message to return on failure"
    output-token-variable-name="name of a variable to receive a JWT object representing successfully validated token">
        <application-id>Client application ID from Microsoft Entra</application-id>
        <!-- If there are multiple client application IDs, then add additional application-id elements -->
        <application-id>Backend application ID from Microsoft Entra</application-id>
        <!-- If there are multiple backend application IDs, then add additional application-id elements -->
        <audience>audience string</audience>
        <!-- if there are multiple possible audiences, then add additional audience elements -->
        <claim name="name of the claim as it appears in the token" match="all|any" separator="separator character in a multi-valued claim">
            <value>claim value as it is expected to appear in the token</value>
            <!-- if there is more than one allowed value, then add additional value elements -->
        <!-- if there are multiple possible allowed values, then add additional value elements -->
        <key certificate-id="mycertificate"/>
        <!-- if there are multiple keys, then add additional key elements -->


Attribute Description Required Default
tenant-id Tenant ID or URL of the Microsoft Entra ID tenant, or one of the following well-known tenants:

- organizations or - to allow tokens from accounts in any organizational directory (any Microsoft Entra directory)
- common or - to allow tokens from accounts in any organizational directory (any Microsoft Entra directory) and from personal Microsoft accounts (for example, Skype, XBox)

Policy expressions are allowed.
Yes N/A
header-name The name of the HTTP header holding the token. Policy expressions are allowed. One of header-name, query-parameter-name or token-value must be specified. Authorization
query-parameter-name The name of the query parameter holding the token. Policy expressions are allowed. One of header-name, query-parameter-name or token-value must be specified. N/A
token-value Expression returning a string containing the token. You must not return Bearer as part of the token value. Policy expressions are allowed. One of header-name, query-parameter-name or token-value must be specified. N/A
failed-validation-httpcode HTTP status code to return if the JWT doesn't pass validation. Policy expressions are allowed. No 401
failed-validation-error-message Error message to return in the HTTP response body if the JWT doesn't pass validation. This message must have any special characters properly escaped. Policy expressions are allowed. No Default error message depends on validation issue, for example "JWT not present."
output-token-variable-name String. Name of context variable that will receive token value as an object of type Jwt upon successful token validation. Policy expressions aren't allowed. No N/A


Element Description Required
audiences Contains a list of acceptable audience claims that can be present on the token. If multiple audience values are present, then each value is tried until either all are exhausted (in which case validation fails) or until one succeeds. Policy expressions are allowed. No
backend-application-ids Contains a list of acceptable backend application IDs. This is only required in advanced cases for the configuration of options and can generally be removed. Policy expressions aren't allowed. No
client-application-ids Contains a list of acceptable client application IDs. If multiple application-id elements are present, then each value is tried until either all are exhausted (in which case validation fails) or until one succeeds. If a client application ID isn't provided, one or more audience claims should be specified. Policy expressions aren't allowed. No
required-claims Contains a list of claim elements for claim values expected to be present on the token for it to be considered valid. When the match attribute is set to all, every claim value in the policy must be present in the token for validation to succeed. When the match attribute is set to any, at least one claim must be present in the token for validation to succeed. Policy expressions are allowed. No
decryption-keys A list of key subelements, used to decrypt a token signed with an asymmetric key. If multiple keys are present, then each key is tried until either all keys are exhausted (in which case validation fails) or a key succeeds.

Specify the public key using a certificate-id attribute with value set to the identifier of a certificate uploaded to API Management.

claim attributes

Attribute Description Required Default
name Name of the claim as it is expected to appear in the token. Policy expressions are allowed. Yes N/A
match The match attribute on the claim element specifies whether every claim value in the policy must be present in the token for validation to succeed. Possible values are:

- all - every claim value in the policy must be present in the token for validation to succeed.

- any - at least one claim value must be present in the token for validation to succeed.

Policy expressions are allowed.
No all
separator String. Specifies a separator (for example, ",") to be used for extracting a set of values from a multi-valued claim. Policy expressions are allowed. No N/A

key attributes

Attribute Description Required Default
certificate-id Identifier of a certificate entity uploaded to API Management, used to specify the public key to verify a token signed with an asymmetric key. Yes N/A


Usage notes

  • You can use access restriction policies in different scopes for different purposes. For example, you can secure the whole API with Microsoft Entra authentication by applying the validate-azure-ad-token policy on the API level, or you can apply it on the API operation level and use claims for more granular control.
  • Microsoft Entra ID for customers (preview) is not supported.


Simple token validation

The following policy is the minimal form of the validate-azure-ad-token policy. It expects the JWT to be provided in the default Authorization header using the Bearer scheme. In this example, the Microsoft Entra tenant ID and client application ID are provided using named values.

<validate-azure-ad-token tenant-id="{{aad-tenant-id}}">

Validate that audience and claim are correct

The following policy checks that the audience is the hostname of the API Management instance and that the ctry claim is US. The Microsoft tenant ID is the well-known organizations tenant, which allows tokens from accounts in any organizational directory. The hostname is provided using a policy expression, and the client application ID is provided using a named value. The decoded JWT is provided in the jwt variable after validation.

For more details on optional claims, read Provide optional claims to your app.

<validate-azure-ad-token tenant-id="organizations" output-token-variable-name="jwt">
        <claim name="ctry" match="any">

For more information about working with policies, see: