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Authorize non-owners to deploy Avere vFXT

These instructions are a workaround that allows a user without subscription owner privileges to create an Avere vFXT for Azure system.

(The recommended way to deploy the Avere vFXT system is to have a user with owner privileges do the creation steps, as explained in Prepare to create the Avere vFXT.)

The workaround involves creating an additional access role that gives its users sufficient permissions to install the cluster. The role must be created by a subscription owner, and an owner must assign it to appropriate users.

A subscription owner also must accept the terms of use for the Avere vFXT marketplace image.


All of these steps must be taken by a user with owner privileges on the subscription that will be used for the cluster.

  1. Copy these lines and save them in a file (for example, averecreatecluster.json). Use your subscription ID in the AssignableScopes statement.

        "AssignableScopes": ["/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>"],
        "Name": "avere-create-cluster",
        "IsCustom": "true"
        "Description": "Can create Avere vFXT clusters",
        "NotActions": [],
        "Actions": [
  2. Run this command to create the role:

    az role definition create --role-definition <PATH_TO_FILE>


    az role definition create --role-definition ./averecreatecluster.json
  3. Assign this role to the user that will create the cluster:

    az role assignment create --assignee <USERNAME> --scope /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID> --role 'avere-create-cluster'

After completing this process, the role gives any user assigned it the following permissions for the subscription:

  • Create and configure the network infrastructure
  • Create the cluster controller
  • Run cluster creation scripts from the cluster controller to create the cluster