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Monitor Azure Digital Twins with metrics, alerts, and diagnostics

Azure Digital Twins integrates with Azure Monitor to provide metrics and diagnostic information that you can use to monitor your Azure Digital Twins resources. Metrics are enabled by default, and give you information about the state of Azure Digital Twins resources in your Azure subscription. Alerts can proactively notify you when certain conditions are found in your metrics data. You can also collect diagnostic logs for your service instance to monitor its performance, access, and other data.

These monitoring features can help you assess the overall health of the Azure Digital Twins service and the resources connected to it. You can use them to understand what is happening in your Azure Digital Twins instance, and analyze root causes on issues without needing to contact Azure support.

They can be accessed from the Azure portal, grouped under the Monitoring heading for the Azure Digital Twins resource.

Screenshot of the Azure portal showing the Monitoring options.

Metrics and alerts

For general information about viewing Azure resource metrics, see Get started with metrics explorer in the Azure Monitor documentation. For general information about configuring alerts for Azure metrics, see Create a new alert rule.

The rest of this section describes the metrics tracked by each Azure Digital Twins instance, and how each metric relates to the overall status of your instance.

Metrics for tracking service limits

You can configure these metrics to track when you're approaching a published service limit for some aspect of your solution.

To set up tracking, use the alerts feature in Azure Monitor. You can define thresholds for these metrics so that you receive an alert when a metric reaches a certain percentage of its published limit.

Metric Metric display name Unit Aggregation type Description Dimensions
TwinCount Twin Count (Preview) Count Total Total number of twins in the Azure Digital Twins instance. Use this metric to determine if you're approaching the service limit for max number of twins allowed per instance. None
ModelCount Model Count (Preview) Count Total Total number of models in the Azure Digital Twins instance. Use this metric to determine if you're approaching the service limit for max number of models allowed per instance. None

API request metrics

Metrics having to do with API requests:

Metric Metric display name Unit Aggregation type Description Dimensions
ApiRequests API Requests Count Total The number of API Requests made for Digital Twins read, write, delete, and query operations. Authentication,
Status Code,
Status Code Class,
Status Text
ApiRequestsFailureRate API Requests Failure Rate Percent Average The percentage of API requests that the service receives for your instance that gives an internal error (500) response code for Digital Twins read, write, delete, and query operations. Authentication,
Status Code,
Status Code Class,
Status Text
ApiRequestsLatency API Requests Latency Milliseconds Average The response time for API requests. This value refers to the time from when the request is received by Azure Digital Twins until the service sends a success/fail result for Digital Twins read, write, delete, and query operations. Authentication,

Billing metrics

Metrics having to do with billing:

Metric Metric display name Unit Aggregation type Description Dimensions
BillingApiOperations Billing API Operations Count Total Billing metric for the count of all API requests made against the Azure Digital Twins service. Meter ID
BillingMessagesProcessed Billing Messages Processed Count Total Billing metric for the number of messages sent out from Azure Digital Twins to external endpoints.

To be considered a single message for billing purposes, a payload must be no larger than 1 KB. Payloads larger than this limit will be counted as additional messages in 1 KB increments (so a message between 1 KB and 2 KB will be counted as 2 messages, between 2 KB and 3 KB will be 3 messages, and so on).
This restriction also applies to responses—so a call that returns 1.5 KB in the response body, for example, will be billed as 2 operations.
Meter ID
BillingQueryUnits Billing Query Units Count Total The number of Query Units, an internally computed measure of service resource usage, consumed to execute queries. There's also a helper API available for measuring Query Units: QueryChargeHelper Class Meter ID

For more information on the way Azure Digital Twins is billed, see Azure Digital Twins pricing.

Ingress metrics

Metrics having to do with data ingress:

Metric Metric display name Unit Aggregation type Description Dimensions
IngressEvents Ingress Events Count Total The number of incoming device telemetry events into Azure Digital Twins. Result
IngressEventsFailureRate Ingress Events Failure Rate Percent Average The percentage of incoming device telemetry events for which the service returns an internal error (500) response code. Result
IngressEventsLatency Ingress Events Latency Milliseconds Average The time from when an event arrives to when it's ready to be egressed by Azure Digital Twins, at which point the service sends a success/fail result. Result

Bulk operation metrics (from the Jobs APIs)

Metrics having to do with bulk operations from the Jobs APIs:

Metric Metric display name Unit Aggregation type Description Dimensions
ImportJobLatency Import Job Latency Milliseconds Average Total time taken for an import job to complete. Operation,
ImportJobEntityCount Import Job Entity Count Count Total The number of twins, models, or relationships processed by an import job. Operation,
DeleteJobLatency Delete Job Latency Milliseconds Average Total time taken for a delete job to complete. Operation,
DeleteJobEntityCount Delete Job Entity Count Count Total The number of models, twins, and/or relationships deleted as part of a delete job. Operation,

Routing metrics

Metrics having to do with routing:

Metric Metric display name Unit Aggregation type Description Dimensions
MessagesRouted Messages Routed Count Total The number of messages routed to an endpoint Azure service such as Event Hubs, Service Bus, or Event Grid. Endpoint Type,
RoutingFailureRate Routing Failure Rate Percent Average The percentage of events that result in an error as they're routed from Azure Digital Twins to an endpoint Azure service such as Event Hubs, Service Bus, or Event Grid. Endpoint Type,
RoutingLatency Routing Latency Milliseconds Average Time elapsed between an event getting routed from Azure Digital Twins to when it's posted to the endpoint Azure service such as Event Hubs, Service Bus, or Event Grid. Endpoint Type,

Metric dimensions

Dimensions help identify more details about the metrics. Some of the routing metrics provide information per endpoint. The table below lists possible values for these dimensions.

Dimension Values
Authentication OAuth
Operation (for API Requests) Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/delete,
Endpoint Type Event Grid,
Event Hubs,
Service Bus
Protocol HTTPS
Result Success,
Status Code 200, 404, 500, and so on.
Status Code Class 2xx, 4xx, 5xx, and so on.
Status Text Internal Server Error, Not Found, and so on.

Diagnostics logs

For general information about Azure diagnostics settings, including how to enable them, see Diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor. For information about querying diagnostic logs using Log Analytics, see Overview of Log Analytics in Azure Monitor.

The rest of this section describes the diagnostic log categories that Azure Digital Twins can collect, and their schemas.

Log categories

Here are more details about the categories of logs that Azure Digital Twins collects.

Log category Description
ADTModelsOperation Log all API calls related to Models
ADTQueryOperation Log all API calls related to Queries
ADTEventRoutesOperation Log all API calls related to Event Routes and egress of events from Azure Digital Twins to an endpoint service like Event Grid, Event Hubs, and Service Bus
ADTDigitalTwinsOperation Log all API calls related to individual twins

Each log category consists of operations of write, read, delete, and action. These categories map to REST API calls as follows:

Event type REST API operations
Write PUT and PATCH
Read GET
Action POST

Here's a comprehensive list of the operations and corresponding Azure Digital Twins REST API calls that are logged in each category.


Each log category contains several operations/REST API calls. In the table below, each log category maps to all operations/REST API calls underneath it until the next log category is listed.

Log category Operation REST API calls and other events
ADTModelsOperation Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/write Digital Twin Models Update API
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/read Digital Twin Models Get By ID and List APIs
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/delete Digital Twin Models Delete API
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/action Digital Twin Models Add API
ADTQueryOperation Microsoft.DigitalTwins/query/action Query Twins API
ADTEventRoutesOperation Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/write Event Routes Add API
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/read Event Routes Get By ID and List APIs
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/delete Event Routes Delete API
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/action Failure while attempting to publish events to an endpoint service (not an API call)
ADTDigitalTwinsOperation Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/write Digital Twins Add, Add Relationship, Update, Update Component
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/read Digital Twins Get By ID, Get Component, Get Relationship by ID, List Incoming Relationships, List Relationships
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/delete Digital Twins Delete, Delete Relationship
Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/action Digital Twins Send Component Telemetry, Send Telemetry

Log schemas

Each log category has a schema that defines how events in that category are reported. Each individual log entry is stored as text and formatted as a JSON blob. The fields in the log and example JSON bodies are provided for each log type below.

ADTDigitalTwinsOperation, ADTModelsOperation, and ADTQueryOperation use a consistent API log schema. ADTEventRoutesOperation extends the schema to contain an endpointName field in properties.

API log schemas

This log schema is consistent for ADTDigitalTwinsOperation, ADTModelsOperation, ADTQueryOperation. The same schema is also used for ADTEventRoutesOperation, except the Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/action operation name (for more information about that schema, see the next section, Egress log schemas).

The schema contains information pertinent to API calls to an Azure Digital Twins instance.

Here are the field and property descriptions for API logs.

Field name Data type Description
Time DateTime The date and time that this event occurred, in UTC
ResourceId String The Azure Resource Manager Resource ID for the resource where the event took place
OperationName String The type of action being performed during the event
OperationVersion String The API Version used during the event
Category String The type of resource being emitted
ResultType String Outcome of the event
ResultSignature String Http status code for the event
ResultDescription String Additional details about the event
DurationMs String How long it took to perform the event in milliseconds
CallerIpAddress String A masked source IP address for the event
CorrelationId Guid Unique identifier for the event
ApplicationId Guid Application ID used in bearer authorization
Level Int The logging severity of the event
Location String The region where the event took place
RequestUri Uri The endpoint used during the event
TraceId String TraceId, as part of W3C's Trace Context. The ID of the whole trace used to uniquely identify a distributed trace across systems.
SpanId String SpanId as part of W3C's Trace Context. The ID of this request in the trace.
ParentId String ParentId as part of W3C's Trace Context. A request without a parent ID is the root of the trace.
TraceFlags String TraceFlags as part of W3C's Trace Context. Controls tracing flags such as sampling, trace level, and so on.
TraceState String TraceState as part of W3C's Trace Context. Additional vendor-specific trace identification information to span across different distributed tracing systems.

Below are example JSON bodies for these types of logs.

  "time": "2020-03-14T21:11:14.9918922Z",
  "operationName": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/write",
  "operationVersion": "2020-10-31",
  "category": "DigitalTwinOperation",
  "resultType": "Success",
  "resultSignature": "200",
  "resultDescription": "",
  "durationMs": 8,
  "callerIpAddress": "13.68.244.*",
  "correlationId": "2f6a8e64-94aa-492a-bc31-16b9f0b16ab3",
  "identity": {
    "claims": {
      "appId": "872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1f1"
  "level": "4",
  "location": "southcentralus",
  "uri": "",
  "properties": {},
  "traceContext": {
    "traceId": "95ff77cfb300b04f80d83e64d13831e7",
    "spanId": "b630da57026dd046",
    "parentId": "9f0de6dadae85945",
    "traceFlags": "01",
    "tracestate": "k1=v1,k2=v2"
  "time": "2020-10-29T21:12:24.2337302Z",
  "operationName": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/write",
  "operationVersion": "2020-10-31",
  "category": "ModelsOperation",
  "resultType": "Success",
  "resultSignature": "201",
  "resultDescription": "",
  "durationMs": "80",
  "callerIpAddress": "13.68.244.*",
  "correlationId": "9dcb71ea-bb6f-46f2-ab70-78b80db76882",
  "identity": {
    "claims": {
      "appId": "872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1f1"
  "level": "4",
  "location": "southcentralus",
  "uri": "",
  "properties": {},
  "traceContext": {
    "traceId": "95ff77cfb300b04f80d83e64d13831e7",
    "spanId": "b630da57026dd046",
    "parentId": "9f0de6dadae85945",
    "traceFlags": "01",
    "tracestate": "k1=v1,k2=v2"
  "time": "2020-12-04T21:11:44.1690031Z",
  "operationName": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/query/action",
  "operationVersion": "2020-10-31",
  "category": "QueryOperation",
  "resultType": "Success",
  "resultSignature": "200",
  "resultDescription": "",
  "durationMs": "314",
  "callerIpAddress": "13.68.244.*",
  "correlationId": "1ee2b6e9-3af4-4873-8c7c-1a698b9ac334",
  "identity": {
    "claims": {
      "appId": "872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1f1"
  "level": "4",
  "location": "southcentralus",
  "uri": "",
  "properties": {},
  "traceContext": {
    "traceId": "95ff77cfb300b04f80d83e64d13831e7",
    "spanId": "b630da57026dd046",
    "parentId": "9f0de6dadae85945",
    "traceFlags": "01",
    "tracestate": "k1=v1,k2=v2"

Here's an example JSON body for an ADTEventRoutesOperation that isn't of Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/action type (for more information about that schema, see the next section, Egress log schemas).

    "time": "2020-10-30T22:18:38.0708705Z",
    "operationName": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/write",
    "operationVersion": "2020-10-31",
    "category": "EventRoutesOperation",
    "resultType": "Success",
    "resultSignature": "204",
    "resultDescription": "",
    "durationMs": 42,
    "callerIpAddress": "212.100.32.*",
    "correlationId": "7f73ab45-14c0-491f-a834-0827dbbf7f8e",
    "identity": {
      "claims": {
        "appId": "872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1f1"
    "level": "4",
    "location": "southcentralus",
    "uri": "",
    "properties": {},
    "traceContext": {
      "traceId": "95ff77cfb300b04f80d83e64d13831e7",
      "spanId": "b630da57026dd046",
      "parentId": "9f0de6dadae85945",
      "traceFlags": "01",
      "tracestate": "k1=v1,k2=v2"

Egress log schemas

The following example is the schema for ADTEventRoutesOperation logs specific to the Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/action operation name. These contain details related to exceptions and the API operations around egress endpoints connected to an Azure Digital Twins instance.

Field name Data type Description
Time DateTime The date and time that this event occurred, in UTC
ResourceId String The Azure Resource Manager Resource ID for the resource where the event took place
OperationName String The type of action being performed during the event
Category String The type of resource being emitted
ResultDescription String Additional details about the event
CorrelationId Guid Customer provided unique identifier for the event
ApplicationId Guid Application ID used in bearer authorization
Level Int The logging severity of the event
Location String The region where the event took place
TraceId String TraceId, as part of W3C's Trace Context. The ID of the whole trace used to uniquely identify a distributed trace across systems.
SpanId String SpanId as part of W3C's Trace Context. The ID of this request in the trace.
ParentId String ParentId as part of W3C's Trace Context. A request without a parent ID is the root of the trace.
TraceFlags String TraceFlags as part of W3C's Trace Context. Controls tracing flags such as sampling, trace level, and so on.
TraceState String TraceState as part of W3C's Trace Context. Additional vendor-specific trace identification information to span across different distributed tracing systems.
EndpointName String The name of egress endpoint created in Azure Digital Twins

Here's an example JSON body for an ADTEventRoutesOperation that of Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/action type.

  "time": "2020-11-05T22:18:38.0708705Z",
  "operationName": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/action",
  "operationVersion": "",
  "category": "EventRoutesOperation",
  "resultType": "",
  "resultSignature": "",
  "resultDescription": "Unable to send EventHub message to [myPath] for event Id [f6f45831-55d0-408b-8366-058e81ca6089].",
  "durationMs": -1,
  "callerIpAddress": "",
  "correlationId": "7f73ab45-14c0-491f-a834-0827dbbf7f8e",
  "identity": {
    "claims": {
      "appId": "872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1f1"
  "level": "4",
  "location": "southcentralus",
  "uri": "",
  "properties": {
    "endpointName": "myEventHub"
  "traceContext": {
    "traceId": "95ff77cfb300b04f80d83e64d13831e7",
    "spanId": "b630da57026dd046",
    "parentId": "9f0de6dadae85945",
    "traceFlags": "01",
    "tracestate": "k1=v1,k2=v2"

Next steps

Read more about Azure Monitor and its capabilities in the Azure Monitor documentation.