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Microsoft Genomics: Common questions

This article lists the top queries you might have related to Microsoft Genomics. For more information on the Microsoft Genomics service, see What is Microsoft Genomics?. For more information about troubleshooting, see our Troubleshooting Guide.

How do I run GATK4 workflows on Microsoft Genomics?

In the Microsoft Genomics service's config.txt file, specify the process_name to gatk4. Note that you will be billed at regular billing rates.

How do I enable output compression?

You can compress the output vcf or gvcf using an optional argument for output compression. This is equivalent to running -bgzip followed by -tabix on the vcf or gvcf output, to produce .gz (bgzip output) and .tbi (tabix output) files. bgzip compresses the vcf or gvcf file, and tabix creates an index for the compressed file. The argument is a boolean, which is set to false by default for vcf output, and to true by default for gcvf output. To use on the command line, specify -bz or --bgzip-output as true (run bgzip and tabix) or false. To use this argument in the config.txt file, add bgzip_output: true or bgzip_output: false to the file.

What is the SLA for Microsoft Genomics?

We guarantee that 99.9% of the time Microsoft Genomics service will be available to receive workflow API requests. For more information, see SLA.

How does the usage of Microsoft Genomics show up on my bill?

Microsoft Genomics bills based on the number of gigabases processed per workflow. For more information, see Pricing.

Where can I find a list of all possible commands and arguments for the `msgen` client?

You can get a full list of available commands and arguments by running msgen help. If no further arguments are provided, it shows a list of available help sections, one for each of submit, list, cancel, and status. To get help for a specific command, type msgen help command; for example, msgen help submit lists all of the submit options.

What are the most commonly used commands for the `msgen` client?

The most commonly used commands are arguments for the msgen client include:

Command Field description
list Returns a list of jobs you have submitted. For arguments, see msgen help list.
submit Submits a workflow request to the service. For arguments, see msgen help submit.
status Returns the status of the workflow specified by --workflow-id. See also msgen help status.
cancel Sends a request to cancel processing of the workflow specified by --workflow-id. See also msgen help cancel.

Where do I get the value for `--api-url-base`?

Go to Azure portal and open your Genomics account page. Under the Management heading, choose Access keys. There, you find both the API URL and your access keys.

Where do I get the value for `--access-key`?

Go to Azure portal and open your Genomics account page. Under the Management heading, choose Access keys. There, you find both the API URL and your access keys.

Why do I need two access keys?

You need two access keys in case you want to update (regenerate) them without interrupting usage of the service. For example, if you want to update the first key, you should have all new workflows use the second key. Then, wait for all the workflows using the first key to finish before updating the first key.

Do you save my storage account keys?

Your storage account key is used to create short-term access tokens for the Microsoft Genomics service to read your input files and write the output files. The default token duration is 48 hours. The token duration can be changed with the -sas/--sas-duration option of the submit command; the value is in hours.

Does Microsoft Genomics store customer data?

No. Microsoft Genomics does not store any customer data.

What genome references can I use?

These references are supported:

Reference Value of -pa/--process-args
b37 R=b37m1
hg38 R=hg38m1
hg38 (no alt analysis) R=hg38m1x
hg19 R=hg19m1

How do I format my command-line arguments as a config file?

msgen understands configuration files in the following format:

  • All options are provided as key-value pairs with values separated from keys by a colon. Whitespace is ignored.

  • Lines starting with # are ignored.

  • Any command-line argument in the long format can be converted to a key by stripping its leading dashes and replacing dashes between words with underscores. Here are some conversion examples:

    Command-line argument Configuration file line
    -u/--api-url-base https://url api_url_base:https://url
    -k/--access-key KEY access_key:KEY
    -pa/--process-args R=B37m1 process_args:R-b37m1

Next steps

Use the following resources to get started with Microsoft Genomics: