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Information about using HDInsight on Linux

Azure HDInsight clusters provide Apache Hadoop on a familiar Linux environment, running in the Azure cloud. For most things, it should work exactly as any other Hadoop-on-Linux installation. This document calls out specific differences that you should be aware of.


Many of the steps in this document use the following utilities, which may need to be installed on your system.


Unless domain-joined, HDInsight should be considered a single-user system. A single SSH user account is created with the cluster, with administrator level permissions. Additional SSH accounts can be created, but they also have administrator access to the cluster.

Domain-joined HDInsight supports multiple users and more granular permission and role settings. For more information, see Manage Domain-joined HDInsight clusters.

Domain names

The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to use when connecting to the cluster from the internet is or (for SSH only).

Internally, each node in the cluster has a name that is assigned during cluster configuration. To find the cluster names, see the Hosts page on the Ambari Web UI. You can also use the following to return a list of hosts from the Ambari REST API:

curl -u admin -G "" | jq '.items[].Hosts.host_name'

Replace CLUSTERNAME with the name of your cluster. When prompted, enter the password for the admin account. This command returns a JSON document that contains a list of the hosts in the cluster. jq is used to extract the host_name element value for each host.

If you need to find the name of the node for a specific service, you can query Ambari for that component. For example, to find the hosts for the HDFS name node, use the following command:

curl -u admin -G "" | jq '.host_components[].HostRoles.host_name'

This command returns a JSON document describing the service, and then jq pulls out only the host_name value for the hosts.

Remote access to services

  • Ambari (web) -

    Authenticate by using the cluster administrator user and password, and then sign in to Ambari.

    Authentication is plaintext - always use HTTPS to help ensure that the connection is secure.


    Some of the web UIs available through Ambari access nodes using an internal domain name. Internal domain names are not publicly accessible over the internet. You may receive "server not found" errors when trying to access some features over the Internet.

    To use the full functionality of the Ambari web UI, use an SSH tunnel to proxy web traffic to the cluster head node. See Use SSH Tunneling to access Apache Ambari web UI, ResourceManager, JobHistory, NameNode, Oozie, and other web UIs

  • Ambari (REST) -


    Authenticate by using the cluster administrator user and password.

    Authentication is plaintext - always use HTTPS to help ensure that the connection is secure.

  • WebHCat (Templeton) -


    Authenticate by using the cluster administrator user and password.

    Authentication is plaintext - always use HTTPS to help ensure that the connection is secure.

  • SSH - on port 22 or 23. Port 22 is used to connect to the primary headnode, while 23 is used to connect to the secondary. For more information on the head nodes, see Availability and reliability of Apache Hadoop clusters in HDInsight.


    You can only access the cluster head nodes through SSH from a client machine. Once connected, you can then access the worker nodes by using SSH from a headnode.

For more information, see the Ports used by Apache Hadoop services on HDInsight document.

File locations

Hadoop-related files can be found on the cluster nodes at /usr/hdp. This directory contains the following subdirectories:

  • The directory name is the version of the Hadoop platform used by HDInsight. The number on your cluster may be different than the one listed here.
  • current: This directory contains links to subdirectories under the directory. This directory exists so that you don't have to remember the version number.

Example data and JAR files can be found on Hadoop Distributed File System at /example and /HdiSamples.

HDFS, Azure Storage, and Data Lake Storage

In most Hadoop distributions, the data is stored in HDFS. HDFS is backed by local storage on the machines in the cluster. Using local storage can be costly for a cloud-based solution where you're charged hourly or by minute for compute resources.

When you use HDInsight, the data files are stored in an adaptable and resilient way in the cloud using Azure Blob Storage and optionally Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. These services provide the following benefits:

  • Cheap long-term storage.
  • Accessibility from external services such as websites, file upload/download utilities, various language SDKs, and web browsers.
  • Large file capacity and large adaptable storage.

For more information, see Azure Blob storage, or Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.

When using either Azure Blob storage or Data Lake Storage Gen2, you don't have to do anything special from HDInsight to access the data. For example, the following command lists files in the /example/data folder whether it's stored on Azure Storage or Data Lake Storage:

hdfs dfs -ls /example/data

In HDInsight, the data storage resources (Azure Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake Storage) are decoupled from compute resources. You can create HDInsight clusters to do computation as you need, and later delete the cluster when the work is finished. Meanwhile keeping your data files persisted safely in cloud storage as long as you need.

URI and scheme

Some commands may require you to specify the scheme as part of the URI when accessing a file. When using nondefault storage (storage added as "additional" storage to the cluster), you must always use the scheme as part of the URI.

When using Azure Storage, use one of the following URI schemes:

  • wasb:///: Access default storage using unencrypted communication.

  • wasbs:///: Access default storage using encrypted communication. The wasbs scheme is supported only from HDInsight version 3.6 onwards.

  • wasb://<container-name>@<account-name> Used when communicating with a nondefault storage account. For example, when you have an additional storage account or when accessing data stored in a publicly accessible storage account.

When using Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, use the following URI scheme:

  • abfs://: Access default storage using encrypted communication.

  • abfs://<container-name>@<account-name> Used when communicating with a nondefault storage account. For example, when you have an additional storage account or when accessing data stored in a publicly accessible storage account.


When using Data Lake Storage as the default store for HDInsight, you must specify a path within the store to use as the root of HDInsight storage. The default path is /clusters/<cluster-name>/.

When using / or adl:/// to access data, you can only access data stored in the root (for example, /clusters/<cluster-name>/) of the cluster. To access data anywhere in the store, use the adl://<storage-name> format.

What storage is the cluster using

You can use Ambari to retrieve the default storage configuration for the cluster. Use the following command to retrieve HDFS configuration information using curl, and filter it using jq:

curl -u admin -G "" | jq '.items[].configurations[].properties["fs.defaultFS"] | select(. != null)'


This command returns the first configuration applied to the server (service_config_version=1), which contains this information. You may need to list all configuration versions to find the latest one.

This command returns a value similar to the following URIs:

  • wasb://<container-name>@<account-name> if using an Azure Storage account.

    The account name is the name of the Azure Storage account. The container name is the blob container that is the root of the cluster storage.

  • adl://home if using Azure Data Lake Storage. To get the Data Lake Storage name, use the following REST call:

    curl -u admin -G "" | jq '.items[].configurations[].properties["dfs.adls.home.hostname"] | select(. != null)'

    This command returns the following host name: <data-lake-store-account-name>

    To get the directory within the store that is the root for HDInsight, use the following REST call:

    curl -u admin -G "" | jq '.items[].configurations[].properties["dfs.adls.home.mountpoint"] | select(. != null)'

    This command returns a path similar to the following path: /clusters/<hdinsight-cluster-name>/.

You can also find the storage information using the Azure portal by using the following steps:

  1. From the Azure portal, select your HDInsight cluster.

  2. From the Properties section, select Storage Accounts. The storage information for the cluster is displayed.

How do I access files from outside HDInsight

There are a various ways to access data from outside the HDInsight cluster. The following are a few links to utilities and SDKs that can be used to work with your data:

If using Azure Blob storage, see the following links for ways that you can access your data:

  • Azure CLI: Command-Line interface commands for working with Azure. After installing, use the az storage command for help on using storage, or az storage blob for blob-specific commands.

  • A Python script for working with blobs in Azure Storage.

  • Various SDKs:

If using Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1, see the following links for ways that you can access your data:

Scaling your cluster

The cluster scaling feature allows you to dynamically change the number of data nodes used by a cluster. You can do scaling operations while other jobs or processes are running on a cluster. See Scale HDInsight clusters

How do I install Hue (or other Hadoop component)?

HDInsight is a managed service. If Azure detects a problem with the cluster, it may delete the failing node and create a node to replace it. When you manually install things on the cluster, they aren't persisted when this operation occurs. Instead, use HDInsight Script Actions. A script action can be used to make the following changes:

  • Install and configure a service or web site.
  • Install and configure a component that requires configuration changes on multiple nodes in the cluster.

Script Actions are Bash scripts. The scripts run during cluster creation, and are used to install and configure additional components. For information on developing your own Script Actions, see Script Action development with HDInsight.

Jar files

Some Hadoop technologies provide self-contained jar files. These files contain functions used as part of a MapReduce job, or from inside Pig or Hive. They often don't require any setup, and can be uploaded to the cluster after creation and used directly. If you want to make sure the component survives reimaging of the cluster, store the jar file in the cluster default storage.

For example, if you want to use the latest version of Apache DataFu, you can download a jar containing the project and upload it to the HDInsight cluster. Then follow the DataFu documentation on how to use it from Pig or Hive.


Some components that are standalone jar files are provided with HDInsight, but are not in the path. If you are looking for a specific component, you can use the follow to search for it on your cluster:

find / -name *componentname*.jar 2>/dev/null

This command returns the path of any matching jar files.

To use a different version of a component, upload the version you need and use it in your jobs.


Components provided with the HDInsight cluster are fully supported and Microsoft Support helps to isolate and resolve issues related to these components.

Custom components receive commercially reasonable support to help you to further troubleshoot the issue. This might result in resolving the issue OR asking you to engage available channels for the open source technologies where deep expertise for that technology is found. For example, there are many community sites that can be used, like: Microsoft Q&A question page for HDInsight, Also Apache projects have project sites on, for example: Hadoop, Spark.

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