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Create a Service Fabric cluster

This sample script creates a five-node Service Fabric cluster secured with an X.509 certificate. The command creates a self-signed certificate and uploads it to a new key vault. The certificate is also copied to a local directory. Set the -OS parameter to choose the version of Windows or Linux that runs on the cluster nodes. Customize the parameters as needed.


We recommend that you use the Azure Az PowerShell module to interact with Azure. To get started, see Install Azure PowerShell. To learn how to migrate to the Az PowerShell module, see Migrate Azure PowerShell from AzureRM to Az.

If needed, install the Azure PowerShell using the instruction found in the Azure PowerShell guide and then run Connect-AzAccount to create a connection with Azure.

Sample script

#Provide the subscription Id
$subscriptionId = 'yourSubscriptionId'

# Certificate variables.
$certpwd="Password#1234" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force

# Variables for VM admin.
$adminpwd="Password#1234" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force 

# Variables for common values
$clustername = "mysfcluster"
$vmsku = "Standard_D2_v2"
$vaultname = "mykeyvault"

# Set the number of cluster nodes. Possible values: 1, 3-99

# Set the context to the subscription Id where the cluster will be created
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId

# Create the Service Fabric cluster.
New-AzServiceFabricCluster -Name $clustername -ResourceGroupName $groupname -Location $clusterloc `
-ClusterSize $clustersize -VmUserName $adminuser -VmPassword $adminpwd -CertificateSubjectName $subname `
-CertificatePassword $certpwd -CertificateOutputFolder $certfolder `
-OS WindowsServer2016DatacenterwithContainers -VmSku $vmsku -KeyVaultName $vaultname

Clean up deployment

After the script sample has been run, the following command can be used to remove the resource group, cluster, and all related resources.

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $groupname -Force

Script explanation

This script uses the following commands. Each command in the table links to command specific documentation.

Command Notes
New-AzServiceFabricCluster Creates a new Service Fabric cluster.

Next steps

For more information on the Azure PowerShell module, see Azure PowerShell documentation.

Additional Azure PowerShell samples for Azure Service Fabric can be found in the Azure PowerShell samples.