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Azure Stream Analytics data errors

Data errors are errors that occur while processing the data. These errors most often occur during data de-serialization, serialization, and write operations. When data errors occur, Stream Analytics writes detailed information and example events to the resource logs. Enable diagnostic logs in your job to get these additional details. In some cases, a summary of this information is also provided through portal notifications.

This article outlines the different error types, causes, and resource log details for input and output data errors.

Resource Logs schema

See Troubleshoot Azure Stream Analytics by using diagnostics logs to see the schema for resource logs. The following JSON is an example value for the Properties field of a resource log for a data error.

    "Source": "InputTelemetryData",
    "Type": "DataError",
    "DataErrorType": "InputDeserializerError.InvalidData",
    "BriefMessage": "Json input stream should either be an array of objects or line separated objects. Found token type: Integer",
    "Message": "Input Message Id: https:\\/\\/\\/inputfolder\\/csv.txt Error: Json input stream should either be an array of objects or line separated objects. Found token type: Integer",
    "ExampleEvents": "[\"1,2\\\\u000d\\\\u000a3,4\\\\u000d\\\\u000a5,6\"]",
    "FromTimestamp": "2019-03-22T22:34:18.5664937Z",
    "ToTimestamp": "2019-03-22T22:34:18.5965248Z",
    "EventCount": 1

Input data errors


  • Cause: The input compression type selected doesn't match the data.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: Messages with any deserialization errors including invalid compression type are dropped from the input.
  • Log details
    • Input message identifier. For Event Hub, the identifier is the PartitionId, Offset, and Sequence Number.

Error message

"BriefMessage": "Unable to decompress events from resource 'https:\\/\\/\\/inputfolder\\/csv.txt'. Please ensure compression setting fits the data being processed."


  • Cause: The header of input data is invalid. For example, a CSV has columns with duplicate names.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: Messages with any deserialization errors including invalid header are dropped from the input.
  • Log details
    • Input message identifier.
    • Actual payload up to few kilobytes.

Error message

"BriefMessage": "Invalid CSV Header for resource 'https:\\/\\/\\/inputfolder\\/csv.txt'. Please make sure there are no duplicate field names."


  • Cause: The input columns defined with CREATE TABLE or through TIMESTAMP BY doesn't exist.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: Events with missing columns are dropped from the input.
  • Log details
    • Input message identifier.
    • Names of the columns that are missing.
    • Actual payload up to a few kilobytes.

Error messages

"BriefMessage": "Could not deserialize the input event(s) from resource 'https:\\/\\/\\/inputfolder\\/csv.txt' as Csv. Some possible reasons: 1) Malformed events 2) Input source configured with incorrect serialization format" 
"Message": "Missing fields specified in query or in create table. Fields expected:ColumnA Fields found:ColumnB"


  • Cause: Unable to convert the input to the type specified in the CREATE TABLE statement.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: Events with type conversion error are dropped from the input.
  • Log details
    • Input message identifier.
    • Name of the column and expected type.

Error messages

"BriefMessage": "Could not deserialize the input event(s) from resource '''https:\\/\\/\\/inputfolder\\/csv.txt ' as Csv. Some possible reasons: 1) Malformed events 2) Input source configured with incorrect serialization format" 
"Message": "Unable to convert column: dateColumn to expected type."


  • Cause: Input data is not in the right format. For example, the input isn't valid JSON.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: All events in the message after an invalid data error has been encountered are dropped from the input.
  • Log details
    • Input message identifier.
    • Actual payload up to few kilobytes.

Error messages

"BriefMessage": "Json input stream should either be an array of objects or line separated objects. Found token type: String"
"Message": "Json input stream should either be an array of objects or line separated objects. Found token type: String"


  • Cause: The value of the TIMESTAMP BY expression can't be converted to datetime.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: Events with invalid input timestamp are dropped from the input.
  • Log details
    • Input message identifier.
    • Error message.
    • Actual payload up to few kilobytes.

Error message

"BriefMessage": "Unable to get timestamp for resource 'https:\\/\\/\\/inputfolder\\/csv.txt ' due to error 'Cannot convert string to datetime'"


  • Cause: The value of TIMESTAMP BY OVER timestampColumn is NULL.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: Events with invalid input timestamp key are dropped from the input.
  • Log details
    • The actual payload up to few kilobytes.

Error message

"BriefMessage": "Unable to get value of TIMESTAMP BY OVER COLUMN"


  • Cause: The difference between application time and arrival time is greater than late arrival tolerance window.
  • Portal notification provided: No
  • Resource log level: Information
  • Impact: Late input events are handled according to the "Handle other events" setting in the Event Ordering section of the job configuration. For more information see Time Handling Policies.
  • Log details
    • Application time and arrival time.
    • Actual payload up to few kilobytes.

Error message

"BriefMessage": "Input event with application timestamp '2019-01-01' and arrival time '2019-01-02' was sent later than configured tolerance."


  • Cause: The difference between Application time and Arrival time is greater than 5 minutes.
  • Portal notification provided: No
  • Resource log level: Information
  • Impact: Early input events are handled according to the "Handle other events" setting in the Event Ordering section of the job configuration. For more information see Time Handling Policies.
  • Log details
    • Application time and arrival time.
    • Actual payload up to few kilobytes.

Error message

"BriefMessage": "Input event arrival time '2019-01-01' is earlier than input event application timestamp '2019-01-02' by more than 5 minutes."


  • Cause: Event is considered out of order according to the out of order tolerance window defined.
  • Portal notification provided: No
  • Resource log level: Information
  • Impact: Out of order events are handled according to the "Handle other events" setting in the Event Ordering section of the job configuration. For more information see Time Handling Policies.
  • Log details
    • Actual payload up to few kilobytes.

Error message

"Message": "Out of order event(s) received."

Output data errors

Azure Stream Analytics can identify output data errors with or without an I/O request to the output sink depending on the configuration. For example, missing a required column, such as PartitionKey, when using Azure Table output can be identified without an I/O request. However, constraint violations in SQL output do require an I/O request.

There are several data errors that can only be detected after making a call to the output sink, which can slow down processing. To resolve this, change your job's configuration or the query that is causing the data error.


  • Cause: The column required for the output doesn't exist. For example, a column defined as Azure Table PartitionKey does't exist.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: All output data conversion errors including missing required column are handled according to the Output Data Policy setting.
  • Log details
    • Name of the column and either the record identifier or part of the record.

Error message

"Message": "The output record does not contain primary key property: [deviceId] Ensure the query output contains the column [deviceId] with a unique non-empty string less than '255' characters."


  • Cause: The column value doesn't conform with the output. For example, the column name isn't a valid Azure table column.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: All output data conversion errors including invalid column name are handled according to the Output Data Policy setting.
  • Log details
    • Name of the column and either record identifier or part of the record.

Error message

"Message": "Invalid property name #deviceIdValue. Please refer MSDN for Azure table property naming convention."


  • Cause: A column can't be converted to a valid type in the output. For example, the value of column is incompatible with constraints or type defined in SQL table.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: All output data conversion errors including type conversion error are handled according to the Output Data Policy setting.
  • Log details
    • Name of the column.
    • Either record identifier or part of the record.

Error message

"Message": "The column [id] value null or its type is invalid. Ensure to provide a unique non-empty string less than '255' characters."


  • Cause: The value of the message is greater than the supported output size. For example, a record is larger than 1 MB for an Event Hub output.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: All output data conversion errors including record exceeded size limit are handled according to the Output Data Policy setting.
  • Log details
    • Either record identifier or part of the record.

Error message

"BriefMessage": "Single output event exceeds the maximum message size limit allowed (262144 bytes) by Event Hub."


  • Cause: A record already contains a column with the same name as a System column. For example, CosmosDB output with a column named ID when ID column is to a different column.
  • Portal notification provided: Yes
  • Resource log level: Warning
  • Impact: All output data conversion errors including duplicate key are handled according to the Output Data Policy setting.
  • Log details
    • Name of the column.
    • Either record identifier or part of the record.
"BriefMessage": "Column 'devicePartitionKey' is being mapped to multiple columns."

Next steps