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Dplsv5 sizes series

The Dplsv5-series and Dpldsv5-series virtual machines are based on the Arm architecture, delivering outstanding price-performance for general-purpose workloads. These virtual machines feature the Ampere® Altra® Arm-based processor operating at 3.0 GHz, which provides an entire physical core for each virtual machine vCPU. These virtual machines offer a range of vCPU sizes, up to 2 GiB of memory per vCPU, and temporary storage options able to meet the requirements of most non-memory-intensive and scale-out workloads such as microservices, small databases, caches, gaming servers, and more.

Host specifications

Part Quantity
Count Units
SKU ID, Performance Units, etc.
Processor 2 - 64 vCPUs Ampere Altra [Arm64]
Memory 4 - 128 GiB
Local Storage None
Remote Storage 4 - 32 Disks 3750 - 80000 IOPS
85 - 1735 MBps
Network 2 - 8 NICs 12500 - 40000 Mbps
Accelerators None

Feature support

Premium Storage: Supported
Premium Storage caching: Supported
Live Migration: Supported
Memory Preserving Updates: Supported
VM Generation Support: Generation 2
Accelerated Networking: Supported
Ephemeral OS Disks: Not supported
Nested Virtualization: Not supported

Sizes in series

vCPUs (Qty.) and Memory for each size

Size Name vCPUs (Qty.) Memory (GB)
Standard_D2pls_v5 2 4
Standard_D4pls_v5 4 8
Standard_D8pls_v5 8 16
Standard_D16pls_v5 16 32
Standard_D32pls_v5 32 64
Standard_D48pls_v5 48 96
Standard_D64pls_v5 64 128

VM Basics resources

Other size information

List of all available sizes: Sizes

Pricing Calculator: Pricing Calculator

Information on Disk Types: Disk Types

Next steps

Learn more about how Azure compute units (ACU) can help you compare compute performance across Azure SKUs.

Check out Azure Dedicated Hosts for physical servers able to host one or more virtual machines assigned to one Azure subscription.

Learn how to Monitor Azure virtual machines.